1. 新年前夜聚會:我們會在12/31,5-9PM於教會舉行團契和聚餐。歡迎大家參加!
2. 教會維修:讚美主!因祂信實的供應教會維修的款項。讓我們繼續禱告,求主豐富的供應總款項$67,000.
3. 溫馨祝福:求主保守每一位肢體在及聖誕節假日期間的安全,賜給每個人平安與喜樂!
With an extremely grateful heart this morning, I was eager to go and pray at David prayer room. Habitually,
By habit I pray at different prayer room on different day. Today is Thursday, by default I go to David Prayer room. As today is Christmas day, I am eager to seek and worship the King, Jesus the Savior, as those wise men came from Orient seeking to worship the new born Jesus.
Hark the herald Angels sing. May the sound of music for the birth of Jesus, heir of David, surrounds you forever, forever inspiring you to devote yourself to praise and worship the Lord. Come on! Let us prepare ourselves for the New Year's Eve, coming back to the heart of worship and let us worship Jesus in one accord with songs.
1. New Year Eve Fellowship: Date and Time: 12/31, 5 pm- 9 pm, Place: Church, Memo: Potluck.
2. Church maintenance: Praise The Lord for His faithfulness, because He has provided us some funds for fixing church building. Let us continue praying, so we reach the goal of $67,000.
3. Warm blessings: Wish all safe, peaceful bad joyful Christmas seasons.