- 因冬季來到,週五的禱告團契聚會時間現改為7:30-9:00PM。歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加!
- 為了一同慶賀感恩節,11/26的主日聚會將是聯合聚會。我們同時也歡迎大家邀請親朋來共度感恩節。
- 好消息預告:鋼琴班成果發表會將於11/19,1:00 pm ~ 2:00 pm在教會舉行,請大家預留時間,並邀請朋友參加。
- Meeting time for Friday night Prayer and Fellowship is 7:30-9:00PM. It is good especially for winter time.
- We will have joint service at 11/26 to celebrate Thanksgiving, you are welcome to invite your relatives and friends to join us!
- The piano class students of our church will hold a piano recital at church on Sunday, November 19th. 1-2 PM. Please attend and invite your family and friends.