
12-27-2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 2016年讀經:感謝主,我們非常歡喜的看到大家投入神的話語。周姊妹,安琪和師母願意幫助更多人來享受一年讀經。如果您想要參與,或是您在讀經上遇到任何困難,請不要猶豫的聯絡他們。讓我們在2016年一同享受神的話語。
  2. 週三聖經課程,我們在每週三9:30都有聖經課程,地點在福音站:1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129。聯絡人:Anne。
  3. 期待已久的777禱告事工——從早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,已在12月2日開始了!感謝主,已有超過12個人一同來啟動和參與這項禱告事工。讓我們同心禱告,來經歷禱告的大能。願神的國度降臨,願祂的國度建立。願主的榮耀彰顯在我們當中。來!讓我們一起禱告,經歷神的信實。
  4. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Year 2016: The Year for the Bible: We are delighted to see more people devoted to God's Word. Sister Chou, Angel and Susan are willing to help more people enjoy reading the Bible in one year. Feel free to contact them, whether you would like to join a team to help others, or you need assistance to read the Bible in one year. Let us enjoy reading the Bible in Year 2016.
  2. Bible lessons on Wed, Weekly Bible lessons: Date and time: 9:30 am on Wednesdays; Place: EE (1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129); contact person: Anne.
  3. The Long-awaited prayer ministry, from 7am to 7pm daily, started on December 2. We are thrilled to see there are more than 12 people who would like to launch and participate the prayer ministry. Let us pray in one accord and experience the power of prayer. May His kingdom come and be established. The glory of the Lord should be manifested in our midst. Come, together we pray and experience the faithfulness of God.
  4. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


12-20-2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 週三聖經課程,我們在每週三9:30都有聖經課程,地點在福音站: 1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129 。聯絡人:Anne。
  2. 期待已久的777 禱告事工——從早晨7 點到晚上7 點的禱告,已經在12月2日開始了!感謝主,已有超過12個人願意一同來啟動和參與這項禱告事工。讓我們同心禱告,來經歷禱告的大能。願神的國度降臨,願祂的國度建立。願主的榮耀彰顯在我們當中。來!讓我們一起禱告,經歷神的信實。
  3. 這是一個感恩的季節。聖誕節也即將來臨。讓我們抓緊時間,在年終來紀念主是如何在這過去的一年中引導我們。讓我們禱告,計劃,並期待著歡迎新的一年來到。
  4. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Bible lessons on Wed, Weekly Bible lessons: Date and time: 9:30 am on Wednesdays; Place: EE (1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA95129); contact person: Anne.
  2. The Long-awaited prayer ministry, from 7am to 7pm daily, started at December 2. We are thrilled to see there are more than 12 people who would like to launch and participate the prayer ministry. Let us pray in one accord and experience the power of prayer. May His kingdom come and be established. The glory of the Lord should be manifested in our midst. Come, together we pray and experience the faithfulness of God.
  3. It is a thanksgiving season. And Christmas season is arriving as well. As we are approaching the end of the year, let us make time to reflect how The Lord has lead us this past year so far, so we can pray, plan, and look forward to welcoming the upcoming year, Year 2016.
  4. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


12/13/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 聖誕節聚會——時間:12月25日,晚上六點;地點:美華和Steve家;聚餐,歡迎大家帶上一道小菜。
  2. 週三聖經課程,我們在每週三9:30都有聖經課程,地點在福音站:1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129。聯絡人:Anne。
  3. 期待已久的777禱告事工——從早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,已經在12月2日開始了!感謝主,已有超過12個人願意一同來啟動和參與這項禱告事工。讓我們同心禱告,來經歷禱告的大能。願神的國度降臨,願祂的國度建立。願主的榮耀彰顯在我們當中。來!讓我們一起禱告,經歷神的信實。
  4. 這是一個感恩的季節。聖誕節也即將來臨。讓我們抓緊時間,在年終來紀念主是如何在這過去的一年中引導我們。讓我們禱告,計劃,並期待著歡迎新的一年來到。
  5. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Christmas gathering: Date and time: 6pm on 12/25, 2015; place: Mary and Steve's home; potluck.
  2. Bible lessons on Wed, Weekly Bible lessons: Date and time: 9:30 am on Wednesdays; Place: EE (1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129); contact person: Anne.
  3. The Long-awaited prayer ministry, from 7am to 7pm daily, started at December 2. We are thrilled to see there are more than 12 people who would like to launch and participate the prayer ministry. Let us pray in one accord and experience the power of prayer. May His kingdom come and be established. The glory of the Lord should be manifested in our midst. Come, together we pray and experience the faithfulness of God.
  4. It is a thanksgiving season. And Christmas season is arriving as well. As we are approaching the end of the year, let us make time to reflect how The Lord has lead us this past year so far, so we can pray, plan, and look forward to welcoming the upcoming year, Year 2016.
  5. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


12/6/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 期待已久的777禱告事工——從早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,已經在12月2日開始了!感謝主,已有超過12個人願意一同來啟動和參與這項禱告事工。讓我們同心禱告,來經歷禱告的大能。願神的國度降臨,願祂的國度建立。願主的榮耀彰顯在我們當中。來!讓我們一起禱告,經歷神的信實。
  2. 這是一個感恩的季節。聖誕節也即將來臨。讓我們抓緊時間,在年終來紀念主是如何在這過去的一年中引導我們。讓我們禱告,計劃,並期待著歡迎新的一年來到。
  3. Dr. Eddie 的健康講座於今天下午1:00-2:30PM 在教會舉行,題目是:好品質的睡眠與健康。
  4. 禱告會:週三早晨8:15-9:15 AM 在福音站,歡迎大家參加。
  5. 讓我們藉著禱告與主連結,肢體之間彼此關顧。我們邀請大家在教會找一位屬靈的同伴,弟兄與弟兄,姊妹與姊妹,一週當中找一個時段一同禱告。可以用經文禱讀、相互代禱,來關切對方的需要和堅定彼此的信心。
  6. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  7. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. The Long-awaited prayer ministry, from 7am to 7pm daily, started at December 2. We are thrilled to see there are more than 12 people who would like to launch and participate the prayer ministry. Let us pray in one accord and experience the power of prayer. May His kingdom come and be established. The glory of the Lord should be manifested in our midst. Come, together we pray and experience the faithfulness of God.
  2. It is a thanksgiving season. And Christmas season is arriving as well. As we are approaching the end of the year, let us make time to reflect how The Lord has lead us this past year so far, so we can pray, plan, and look forward to welcoming the upcoming year, Year 2016.
  3. A Health seminar by Dr. Eddie will be held today 1:00-2:30PM at church. The topic is: Quality Sleep and Health.
  4. Prayer meeting at EE: Every Wednesday 8:15-9:15AM. Welcome to join.
  5. Let us connect to our Lord through prayer and the caring between our church members. We encourage everyone to find a spiritual companion at church, brother with brother, sister with sister, set a time every week pray together. To build up your faith by scripture prayer, and pray for the need of each other
  6. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  7. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


11/29/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 這是一個感恩的季節。聖誕節也即將來臨。讓我們抓緊時間,在年終來紀念主是如何在這過去的一年中引導我們。讓我們禱告,計劃,並期待著歡迎新的一年來到。
  2. 777計劃報名截止日期延長:讚美主!我們已經有幾位肢體將委身於777計劃。為了讓更多的人收益,我們歡迎更多的人參與。我們將於12月2日正式開始實行這一計劃,有意願參與的弟兄姊妹請即刻聯絡安琪。
  3. Dr. Eddie 的健康講座於 12/6週日下午1:00-2:30PM 在教會舉行,題目是:好品質的睡眠與健康。
  4. 禱告會:週三早晨8:15-9:15 AM 在福音站,歡迎大家參加。
  5. 我們將於 11/27 (週五)晚上在教會舉行感恩節聚餐和分享, 6 點開始晚餐( potluck ), 8 點開始聚會。
  6. 讓我們藉著禱告與主連結,肢體之間彼此關顧。我們邀請大家在教會找一位屬靈的同伴,弟兄與弟兄,姊妹與姊妹,一週當中找一個時段一同禱告。可以用經文禱讀、相互代禱,來關切對方的需要和堅定彼此的信心。
  7. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  8. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. It is a thanksgiving season. And Christmas season is arriving as well. As we are approaching the end of the year, let us make time to reflect how The Lord has lead us this past year so far, so we can pray, plan, and look forward to welcoming the upcoming year, Year 2016.
  2. Deadline Extension of 777 project: Praise The Lord that we already have several people who will commit to 777 project. To benefit church, we welcome more people to participate. We will officially start the training program on Dec. 2. Whoever would like to consider to join, contact Angel ASAP.
  3. A Health seminar by Dr. Eddie will be held on Sunday 12/6 1:00-2:30PM at church. The topic is: Quality Sleep and Health.
  4. Prayer meeting at EE: Every Wednesday 8:15-9:15AM. Welcome to join.
  5. Thanksgiving at church on Friday night 11/27 , Potluck dinner 6:00PM, Meeting 8:00PM
  6. Let us connect to our Lord through prayer and the caring between our church members. We encourage everyone to find a spiritual companion at church, brother with brother, sister with sister, set a time every week pray together. To build up your faith by scripture prayer, and pray for the need of each other
  7. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  8. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


11/22/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 777計劃截止日期延長:讚美主!我們已經有幾位肢體將委身於777計劃。為了讓更多的人收益,我們歡迎更多的人參與。我們將於12月2日正式開始實行這一計劃,有意願參與的弟兄姊妹請即刻聯絡安琪。
  2. Dr. Eddie 的健康講座於 12/6週日下午1:00-2:30PM 在教會舉行,題目是:好品質的睡眠與健康。
  3. 禱告會:週三早晨8:15-9:15 AM 在福音站,歡迎大家參加。
  4. 我們將於 11/27 (週五)晚上在教會舉行感恩節聚餐和分享, 6 點開始晚餐( potluck ), 8 點開始聚會。
  5. 讓我們藉著禱告與主連結,肢體之間彼此關顧。我們邀請大家在教會找一位屬靈的同伴,弟兄與弟兄,姊妹與姊妹,一週當中找一個時段一同禱告。可以用經文禱讀、相互代禱,來關切對方的需要和堅定彼此的信心。
  6. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  7. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Deadline Extension of 777 project: Praise The Lord that we already have several people who will commit to 777 project. To benefit church, we welcome more people to participate. We will officially start the training program on Dec. 2. Whoever would like to consider to join, contact Angel ASAP.
  2. A Health seminar by Dr. Eddie will be held on Sunday 12/6 1:00-2:30PM at church. The topic is: Quality Sleep and Health.
  3. Prayer meeting at EE: Every Wednesday 8:15-9:15AM. Welcome to join.
  4. Thanksgiving at church on Friday night 11/27 , Potluck dinner 6:00PM, Meeting 8:00PM
  5. Let us connect to our Lord through prayer and the caring between our church members. We encourage everyone to find a spiritual companion at church, brother with brother, sister with sister, set a time every week pray together. To build up your faith by scripture prayer, and pray for the need of each other
  6. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  7. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


11/15/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. Dr. Eddie 的健康講座於 12/6週日下午1:00-2:30PM 在教會舉行,題目是:好品質的睡眠與健康。
  2. 禱告會:週三早晨8:15-9:15 AM 在福音站,歡迎大家參加。
  3. 喜樂泉禱告教會2015年獻給主耶穌的感恩節禮物——777行動,這是一個建立教會和擴展神的國度的禱告事工:從早晨7點到晚上7點,每週7天,每個時段都有弟兄姐妹委身禱告。我們希望能在2016年復活節實現這一目標!短期目標:在2015年感恩節前(11月21日),我們至少有7個人願意委身這一事工。
  4. 我們將於 11/27 (週五)晚上在教會舉行感恩節聚餐和分享, 6 點開始晚餐( potluck ), 8 點開始聚會。
  5. 讓我們藉著禱告與主連結,肢體之間彼此關顧。我們邀請大家在教會找一位屬靈的同伴,弟兄與弟兄,姊妹與姊妹,一週當中找一個時段一同禱告。可以用經文禱讀、相互代禱,來關切對方的需要和堅定彼此的信心。
  6. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  7. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. A Health seminar by Dr. Eddie will be held on Sunday 12/6 1:00-2:30PM at church. The topic is: Quality Sleep and Health.
  2. Prayer meeting at EE: Every Wednesday 8:15-9:15AM. Welcome to join.
  3. FOJPC gift to Jesus for Thanksgiving 2015— 777 project, prayer ministry to build church and expand the kingdom of God: from 7am to 7 pm, 7 days a week (Objective: by Easter, 2016, we will reach the goal!) Short term goal: by Nov 21, 2015, we will have at least first 7 people to commit the 777 project. (commitment time: 7 months)
  4. Thanksgiving at church on Friday night 11/27 , Potluck dinner 6:00PM, Meeting 8:00PM
  5. Let us connect to our Lord through prayer and the caring between our church members. We encourage everyone to find a spiritual companion at church, brother with brother, sister with sister, set a time every week pray together. To build up your faith by scripture prayer, and pray for the need of each other
  6. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  7. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


11/8/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 喜樂泉禱告教會2015年獻給主耶穌的感恩節禮物——777行動,這是一個建立教會和擴展神的國度的禱告事工:從早晨7點到晚上7點,每週7天,每個時段都有弟兄姐妹委身禱告。我們希望能在2016年復活節實現這一目標!短期目標:在2015年感恩節前(11月21日),我們至少有7個人願意委身這一事工。
  2. 我們將於 11/27 (週五)晚上在教會舉行感恩節聚餐和分享, 6 點開始晚餐( potluck ), 8 點開始聚會。
  3. 讓我們藉著禱告與主連結,肢體之間彼此關顧。我們邀請大家在教會找一位屬靈的同伴,弟兄與弟兄,姊妹與姊妹,一週當中找一個時段一同禱告。可以用經文禱讀、相互代禱,來關切對方的需要和堅定彼此的信心。
  4. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. FOJPC gift to Jesus for Thanksgiving 2015— 777 project, prayer ministry to build church and expand the kingdom of God: from 7am to 7 pm, 7 days a week (Objective: by Easter, 2016, we will reach the goal!) Short term goal: by Nov 21, 2015, we will have at least first 7 people to commit the 777 project. (commitment time: 7 months)
  2. Thanksgiving at church on Friday night 11/27 , Potluck dinner 6:00PM, Meeting 8:00PM
  3. Let us connect to our Lord through prayer and the caring between our church members. We encourage everyone to find a spiritual companion at church, brother with brother, sister with sister, set a time every week pray together. To build up your faith by scripture prayer, and pray for the need of each other
  4. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


11/1/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. Jenny正在在安排11-12月飯後清理的服事,有感動的弟兄姐妹請在會後向Jenny 登記。
  2. 我們將於 11/27 (週五)晚上在教會舉行感恩節聚餐和分享, 6 點開始晚餐( potluck ), 8 點開始聚會。
  3. 讓我們藉著禱告與主連結,肢體之間彼此關顧。我們邀請大家在教會找一位屬靈的同伴,弟兄與弟兄,姊妹與姊妹,一週當中找一個時段一同禱告。可以用經文禱讀、相互代禱,來關切對方的需要和堅定彼此的信心。

  1. Jenny is in the process of arranging our Sunday after lunch cleanup for Nov and Dec. Please sign up with her if you are touched to serve.
  2. Thanksgiving at church on Friday night 11/27 , Potluck dinner 6:00PM, Meeting 8:00PM
  3. Let us connect to our Lord through prayer and the caring between our church members. We encourage everyone to find a spiritual companion at church, brother with brother, sister with sister, set a time every week pray together. To build up your faith by scripture prayer, and pray for the need of each other.


10/25/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 讚美主!我們要建立一個從早上7點到晚上7點的禱告網。歡迎有感動的弟兄姐妹參與這個禱告事工。先要加入的人可以聯絡Jenny或安琪。
  2. 我們將於11/27(週五)晚上在教會舉行感恩節聚餐和分享,6點開始晚餐(potluck),8點開始聚會。
  3. Dr. Eddie將在11/20 週五晚間7:30 PM於教會舉辦一場健康講座。我們會在下週介紹主題並製作邀請卡,歡迎大家邀請親朋好友來參加。
  4. 我們將在11/15(主日)下午兩點,在永和超市的門口發健康講座的邀請函,盼望弟兄姊妹踴躍參與。
  5. 我們正在在安排11-12月飯後清理的服事,盼望弟兄姊妹能在教會參與一些勞力的服事,請有感動的弟兄姐妹向Jenny登記。
  6. 所有主日服事的弟兄姐妹請參加10:15-10:30 AM 在大堂的會前守望禱告。

  1. Praise the Lord, we are going to build a prayer network, from 7a.m. to 7 p.m. We welcome to participate the prayer ministry. Whoever would like to join, please contact Jenny or Angel.
  2. Thanksgiving celebration will be on Friday night 11/25 at church. Potluck Dinner starts at 6:00PM, meeting & sharing at 8:00PM.
  3. A health seminar by Dr. Eddie is being held on Friday Nov 20, 7:30PM at our church. Invitation card will be available next week for you to invite people to come.
  4. On Sunday 11/15 2:00PM, we are going to distribute the health seminar invitation flyers at the front entrance of Marina supermarket. You are most welcome to take part in this activity
  5. We are arranging our Sunday after meal clean up service for the month of November and December. If you are willing to participate please let Jenny know.
  6. All of us who serve on Sunday please join the Sunday prayer meeting at 10:15 AM


10/18/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requets

  1. 我們正在在安排11-12月飯後清理的服事,盼望弟兄姊妹能在教會參與一些勞力的服事,請有感動的弟兄姐妹向Jenny登記。
  2. 我們將邀請Dr. Eddie在11/20 週五晚間7:30 PM於教會舉辦一場健康講座。我們會在下週介紹主題並製作邀請卡,歡迎大家邀請親朋好友來參加。
  3. 主日下午1:00-2:00PM,Eric 將帶領兒童們做許多有趣的活動,包括畫圖,運動,種植等等,請家長鼓勵小朋友參加。
  4. 成人主日學:課程日期10/3-12/13,每主日9:30-10:15AM 在Timothy Hall上課,課程內容是羅馬書,由師母教導。聯絡人:周姐妹。
  5. 所有主日服事的弟兄姐妹請參加10:15-10:30 AM 在大堂的會前守望禱告。
  6. 為了幫助弟兄姊妹在靈裡有更多的連結,並且成為彼此的幫助,我們鼓勵每位弟兄姊妹都找一位屬靈的同伴;弟兄與弟兄,姐妹與姐妹,每週一起禱告10-15分鐘。大家可以用靈修進度禱讀,或是分享一句經文,之後彼此為對方的需要和教會禱告,目的是讓我們有更多的機會彼此認識。 請讓Jenny知道各位禱告的時間和同伴的名字,她會做記錄並為大家禱告。盼望年底的時候,我們都可以見證神在這幾個月藉著彼此代禱所帶給我們的祝福。
  7. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。

  1. We are arranging our Sunday after meal clean up service for the month of November and December. If you are willing to participate please let Jenny know.
  2. A health seminar by Dr. Eddie is being held on Friday Nov 20, 7:30PM at our church. Invitation card will be available next week for you to invite people to come.
  3. Sunday afternoon between 1: 00-2: 00PM, Eric will provide different activities for our children. It will include drawing, sport, planting etc., please encourage parents to bring their children to join.
  4. Adult Sunday School: This session is held on 10 / 3-12 / 13, Sunday 9: 30-10: 15AM at Timothy Hall. Susan(PW) is going to teach the book of Romans. Please contact Ms. Zhou 周姐妹to join.
  5. All of us who serve on Sunday please join the Sunday prayer meeting at 10:15 AM
  6. In order for our brothers and sisters to have a closer bond in spirit, we encourage each one of us to find a soul mate; brother with brother, sister with sister, one day a week to pray together for 10-15 minutes. You can use our daily devotion as the material. Or you can share a bible verse. Then pray for each other and pray for church. Find a new soul mate every three months. Please contact Jenny if you want to do so. She will pray for you and make a record, hopefully we can witness the blessings from God after the three months intercession prayers.
  7. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.


10/11/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 成人主日學:課程日期10/3-12/13,每主日9:30-10:15AM 在Timothy Hall上課,課程內容是羅馬書,由師母教導。聯絡人:周姐妹。
  2. 所有主日服事的弟兄姐妹請參加10:15-10:30 AM 在大堂的會前守望禱告。
  3. 為了幫助弟兄姊妹在靈裡有更多的連結,並且成為彼此的幫助,我們鼓勵每位弟兄姊妹都找一位屬靈的同伴;弟兄與弟兄,姐妹與姐妹,每週一天一起禱告10-15分鐘。大家可以用靈修進度禱讀,或是分享一句經文,之後彼此為對方的需要和教會禱告,每三個月我們換一位屬靈同伴,目的是讓我們有更多的機會彼此認識。 請讓Jenny知道各位禱告的時間和同伴的名字,她會為大家禱告,同時也做一個紀錄,盼望年底的時候,我們都可以見證神在這三個月藉著彼此代禱所帶給我們的祝福。
  4. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。

  1. Adult Sunday School: This session is held on 10 / 3-12 / 13, Sunday 9: 30-10: 15AM at Timothy Hall. Susan(PW) is going to teach the book of Romans. Please contact Ms. Zhou 周姐妹to join.
  2. All of us who serve on Sunday please join the Sunday prayer meeting at 10:15 AM
  3. In order for our brothers and sisters to have a closer bond in spirit, we encourage each one of us to find a soul mate; brother with brother, sister with sister, one day a week to pray together for 10-15 minutes. You can use our daily devotion as the material. Or you can share a bible verse. Then pray for each other and pray for church. Find a new soul mate every three months. Please contact Jenny if you want to do so. She will pray for you and make a record, hopefully we can witness the blessings from God after the three months intercession prayers.
  4. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.


10/4/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 成人主日學今天開課,課程從從10/3-12/13,每主日9:30-10:15AM 在Timothy Hall 上課,課程內容是羅馬書,由師母教導。聯絡人:周姐妹。
  2. 所有主日服事的弟兄姐妹請參加10:15-10:30 AM 在大堂的會前守望禱告。
  3. 為了幫助弟兄姊妹在靈裡有更多的連結,並且成為彼此的幫助,我們鼓勵每位弟兄姊妹都找一位屬靈的同伴;弟兄與弟兄,姐妹與姐妹,每週一天一起禱告10-15分鐘。大家可以用靈修進度禱讀,或是分享一句經文,之後彼此為對方的需要和教會禱告,每三個月我們換一位屬靈同伴,目的是讓我們有更多的機會彼此認識。 請讓Jenny 知道各位禱告的時間和同伴的名字,她會為大家禱告,同時也做一個紀錄,盼望年底的時候,我們都可以見證神在這三個月藉著彼此代禱所帶給我們的祝福。
  4. 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。

  1. Adult Sunday School starts today. This session is held on 10 / 3-12 / 13, Sunday 9: 30-10: 15AM at Timothy Hall. Susan(PW) is going to teach the book of Romans. Please contact Ms. Zhou 周姐妹to join.
  2. All of us who serve on Sunday please join the Sunday prayer meeting at 10:15 AM
  3. In order for our brothers and sisters to have a closer bond in spirit, we encourage each one of us to find a soul mate; brother with brother, sister with sister, one day a week to pray together for 10-15 minutes. You can use our daily devotion as the material. Or you can share a bible verse. Then pray for each other and pray for church. Find a new soul mate every three months. Please contact Jenny if you want to do so. She will pray for you and make a record, hopefully we can witness the blessings from God after the three months intercession prayers.
  4. Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.


9/27/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 我們鼓勵大家每週花至少15分鐘的時間彼此支持,互相代禱,建立一個互相關愛代禱的教會。詳情請詢問安琪。
  2. 我們已從上週開始與幾位弟兄姐妹聚集,一起用英文禱告、讀經。我們要在學習神的話語的同時學習英文。這將會是我們開始社區服務的第一步。目前時間暫定為週二和週四上午9:30-11:30。如果你有興趣加入做老師或想與我們一同學習,都可以與安琪聯絡。
  3. 我們將從10月1日開始成人主日學的課程。課程時間為9:30-10:20,主講人,師母。請想要參加的弟兄姐妹向安琪報名。
  4. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  5. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  6. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。 
  7. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要! 

  1. We encourage everyone to support each other by offering few 15 minutes a week to intercede for each other. Contact Angel for the details of prayer network.
  2. We started read the Bible in English last week. We would like to study the Word of God and learn English at the same time. It would be part of our community service. Tentatively, weekly schedule: 9:30-11:30 am, Tuesday & Thursday. Please contact Angel if you are interested in joining, either as a teacher or as a student. 
  3. Starting Oct, the first Sunday, we will have new adult Sunday school. The purpose of this course is to help students enjoy reading the Bible in one year. Praise the Lord, Mrs. Susan Chen will be teaching us. Time: 9:30-10:20 am . 
  4. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  5. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  6. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
    We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


9/20/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 從這週開始,我們希望能聚集幾位弟兄姐妹一起用英文禱告、讀經。我們要在學習神的話語的同時學習英文。這將會是我們開始社區服務的第一步。目前時間暫定為週二至週四上午9:30-11:30。如果你有興趣加入做老師或想與我們一同學習,都可以與安琪聯絡。
  2. 我們將從10月1日開始成人主日學的課程。課程時間為9:30-10:20,主講人,師母。請想要參加的弟兄姐妹向安琪報名。
  3. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  4. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。 
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要! 

  1. Starting from this coming week, few of us would like to gather to pray and read the Bible in English. We would like to study the Word of God and learn English at the same time. It would be part of our community service. Tentatively, weekly schedule: 9:30-11:30 am, Tuesday-Thursday. Please contact Angel if you are interested in joining, either as a teacher or as a student. 
  2. Starting Oct, the first Sunday, we will have new adult Sunday school. The purpose of this course is to help students enjoy reading the Bible in one year. Praise the Lord, Mrs. Susan Chen will be teaching us. Time: 9:30-10:20 am . 
  3. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  4. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day. 
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


9/13/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 從這週開始,我們希望能聚集幾位弟兄姐妹一起用英文禱告、讀經。我們要在學習神的話語的同時學習英文。這將會是我們開始社區服務的第一步。目前時間暫定為週二至週四上午9:30-11:30。如果你有興趣加入做老師或想與我們一同學習,都可以與安琪聯絡。
  2. 我們將從10月1日開始成人主日學的課程。課程時間為9:30-10:20,主講人,師母。請想要參加的弟兄姐妹向安琪報名。
  3. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  4. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。 
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要! 

  1. Starting from this coming week, few of us would like to gather to pray and read the Bible in English. We would like to study the Word of God and learn English at the same time. It would be part of our community service. Tentatively, weekly schedule: 9:30-11:30 am, Tuesday-Thursday. Please contact Angel if you are interested in joining, either as a teacher or as a student. 
  2. Starting Oct, the first Sunday, we will have new adult Sunday school. The purpose of this course is to help students enjoy reading the Bible in one year. Praise the Lord, Mrs. Susan Chen will be teaching us. Time: 9:30-10:20 am . 
  3. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  4. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day. 
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


9/6/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 我們將從10月1日開始開始成人主日學的課程。課程時間為9:30-10:20,主講人,師母。請想要參加的弟兄姐妹向安琪報名。
  2. 感謝主!我們對教會的服事安排進行了一些調整:目前將由Jenny來負責主日服事的協調。安琪將負責兒童主日學的協調。如果您有任何建議或有感動參與服事,請與兩位姊妹聯絡。
  3. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  4. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Starting Oct, the first Sunday, we will have new adult Sunday school. The purpose of this course is to help students enjoy reading the Bible in one year. Praise the Lord, Mrs. Susan Chen will be teaching us. Time: 9:30-10:20 am
  2. Starting from September, Jenny will be in charge of Sunday Service coordination. Angel will be in charge of Children Sunday School. Please pray contact them for your suggestion and/or your support.
  3. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  4. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


8/30/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 感謝主!我們對教會的服事安排進行了一些調整:目前將由Jenny來負責主日服事的協調。安琪將負責兒童主日學的協調。如果您有任何建議或有感動參與服事,請與兩位姊妹聯絡。
  2. 兒童主日學:我們將在兒童主日學中增加一個針對5-7年級兒童的班級。課程將會用中英雙語進行。若您有感動成為主日學教師,請與安琪聯絡。
  3. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  4. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Starting from September, Jenny will be in charge of Sunday Service coordination. Angel will be in charge of Children Sunday School. Please pray contact them for your suggestion and/or your support.
  2. We are planning to have a bilingual Sunday school for 5-7 grade student. If you have the burden to teach please contact Angel.
  3. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  4. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


8/23/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 敬拜和神的話語:請期待在接下來的幾個月中我們以新的方式來敬拜和聆聽從神而來的信息!
  2. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  3. 從本週開始,我們將在週四和週五早晨7點開始英文的晨更。我們歡迎想要參與的人與安琪聯絡。
  4. 我們非常感恩,Benny願意負責協調教會的青年和兒童事工。讓我們獻上我們的支持和禱告!
  5. 感謝主!Anne願意負責協調教會的關懷事工!讓我們一同來為她禱告,並獻上我們的支持。
  6. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  7. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
  8. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Worship and Word: Please expect the new format of worship and sermon next few months.
  2. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  3. Start this week, we will have English morning devotional prayer on Thursday and Friday, at 7 am -- welcome to contact Angel and join !
  4. We are grateful that Benny is willing to coordinate young adult ministry and children ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
  5. We are grateful that Anne is willing to be in charge of adult caring ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
  6. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  7. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
  8. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


8/16/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 神不僅希望我們盡心,盡性,盡力的愛祂,遵守祂的命令,同時神要我們擔起福音承傳的使命。為了服事我們的下一代,根據目前的需要和世界的走向,我們的兒童事工將加添一個新的班級;以聖經為基礎的“中文教學”。我們在此呼召弟兄姊妹來參與建立兒童精兵的使命,把好消息帶給我們的下一代。
  2. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  3. 從本週開始,我們將在週四和週五早晨7點開始英文的晨更。我們歡迎想要參與的人與安琪聯絡。
  4. 我們非常感恩,Benny願意負責協調教會的青年和兒童事工。讓我們獻上我們的支持和禱告!
  5. 感謝主!Anne願意負責協調教會的關懷事工!讓我們一同來為她禱告,並獻上我們的支持。
  6. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  7. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
  8. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
  1. To build up next generation for the Kingdom of God, we sincerely invite you to join teacher teams. We are working on training programs to train teachers. Contact Jenny and Angel, if you have any inputs. 
  2. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  3. Start this week, we will have English morning devotional prayer on Thursday and  Friday, at 7 am -- welcome to contact Angel and join !
  4. We are grateful that Benny is willing to coordinate young adult ministry and children ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
  5. We are grateful that Anne is willing to be in charge of adult caring ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
  6. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  7. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
    We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


8/9/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 讓我們為著有更多的青少年和兒童來到我們的教會準備好。請大家為這件事代禱,並考慮加入主日的服事!
  2. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM 打電話來和我們一同禱告!
  3. 從本週開始,我們將在週四和週五早晨7 點開始英文的晨更。我們歡迎想要參與的人與安琪聯絡。
  4. 我們非常感恩, Benny 願意負責協調教會的青年和兒童事工。讓我們獻上我們的支持和禱告!
  5. 感謝主! Anne 願意負責協調教會的關懷事工!讓我們一同來為她禱告,並獻上我們的支持。
  6. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
  7. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
  8. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. To get ourselves well prepared for more children, youth and young adults to join our church, we are asking more people to pray and consider to join serving next generation on Sunday.
  2. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
  3. Start this week, we will have English morning devotional prayer on Thursday and Friday, at 7 am -- welcome to contact Angel and join !
  4. We are grateful that Benny is willing to coordinate young adult ministry and children ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
  5. We are grateful that Anne is willing to be in charge of adult caring ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
  6. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
  7. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
  8. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


8/2/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

1. 晨禱:請您不要忘記我們每天的晨禱,我們歡迎不能親自到教會來禱告的弟兄姐妹在週四和週五早晨7-8AM 打電話來和我們一同禱告!
2. 從本週開始,我們將在週四和週五早晨7 點開始英文的晨更。我們歡迎想要參與的人與安琪聯絡。
3. 感謝主! Jenny 願意負責開展教會的兒童事工。請您在禱告中紀念她,並獻上您的支持!
4. 我們非常感恩, Benny 願意負責協調教會的青年和兒童事工。讓我們獻上我們的支持和禱告!
5. 感謝主! Anne 願意負責協調教會的關懷事工!讓我們一同來為她禱告,並獻上我們的支持。
6. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
7. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
8. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

1. Morning Prayer – Thursday and Friday mornings: we welcome you to call in 7-8AM to pray with us!
2. Start this week, we will have English morning devotional prayer on Thursday and Friday, at 7 am -- welcome to contact Angel and join !
3. Praise the Lord! Jenny is willing to coordinate our Children Ministry. Let's pray for her and give all our support!
4. We are grateful that Benny is willing to coordinate young adult ministry and children ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
5. We are grateful that Anne is willing to be in charge of adult caring ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
6. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
7. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
8. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


7/26/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

1. 我們非常感恩, Benny 願意負責協調教會的青年和兒童施工。讓我們獻上我們的支持和禱告!
2. 感謝主! Anne 願意負責協調教會的關懷事工!讓我們一同來為她禱告,並獻上我們的支持。
3. 我們求神幫助我們能深入社區,有計劃、有行動的接觸更多的人。如果您有任何建議,請與安琪聯絡。
4. EE forward !為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與甦銘或甦凱聯絡。
5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

1. We are grateful that Benny is willing to coordinate young adult ministry and children ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
2. We are grateful that Anne is willing to be in charge of adult caring ministry. Let us give all our support and prayers.
3. We will bless the community by reaching out to the community with plans and actions. Angel will connect all the inputs and feedback, you are most welcome to contact her.
4. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Suming or Sukai if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next
5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building
fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


7/19/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

1. 從這個月開始,我們將著重建立兒童事工:兒童主日學和兒童禱告事工。若您有負擔參與,請與美智或安琪聯絡。
2. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與甦銘或甦凱聯絡。
3. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
4. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

1. Start from this month, we are focusing on building children ministry: children Sunday school and prayer ministry for children. Whoever has heavenly burden to participate the children ministry, please contact Meijech or Angel.
2. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Suming or Sukai if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
3. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
4. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


7/12/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

1. 感謝主,洪長老今天在我們當中,傳講迫切、及時的信息。我們祝福洪長老和師母,因他們願意在這個特別主日來到我們當中。願我們珍惜我們所聽到的信息,與主耶穌一同前行。
2. 感謝主!讓我們見證到主是如何引導甦凱去英國接收裝備。甦凱將於7月14日出發,去學習護教學,我們將會在今天的主日為他祝福。請您也在您的禱告中紀念甦凱。
3. 從這個月開始,我們將著重建立兒童事工:兒童主日學和兒童禱告事工。若您有負擔參與,請與美智或安琪聯絡。
4. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與甦銘或甦凱聯絡。
5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

1. Praise the Lord, Elder Simon is speaking to us the urgent and timely message in our midst today. We bless Elder Simon and his beloved wife for being willing to spend special Sunday with us. May we treasure the Word we hear and March for Jesus together.
2. We are grateful to see how the Lord is leading Sukai to be equipped in the UK. To learn apologetic, Sukai will be leaving on July 14th. We are setting aside today to bless him. Please remember Sukai in your prayer.
3. Start from this month, we are focusing on building children ministry: children Sunday school and prayer ministry for children. Whoever has heavenly burden to participate the children ministry, please contact Meijech or Angel.
4. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Suming or Sukai if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


7/5/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

1. 從這個月開始,我們將著重建立兒童事工:兒童主日學和兒童禱告事工。若您有負擔參與,請與美智或安琪聯絡。
2. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與甦銘或甦凱聯絡。
3. 感謝主!讓我們見證到主是如何引導甦凱去英國接收裝備。甦凱將於7月14日出發,去學習護教學,我們將會在7月12日的主日為他祝福。請您也在您的禱告中紀念甦凱。
4. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
5. 成人主日學:主題—基督生平;需要報名;時間:7/12-9/27,主日早晨9:30–10:20;主講人:師母。
6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

1. Start from this month, we are focusing on building children ministry: children Sunday school and prayer ministry for children. Whoever has heavenly burden to participate the children ministry, please contact Meijech or Angel.
2. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Suming or Sukai if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
3. We are grateful to see how the Lord is leading Sukai to be equipped in the UK. To learn apologetic, Sukai will be leaving on July 14. We are setting aside the date of July 12 to bless him. Please remember Sukai in your prayer.
4. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
5. Adult Sunday school: subject: Life of Christ; Registration is required ! Time: Sunday 9:30am-10:20am; Date: 7/12-9/27; Instructor: Mrs. Susan Chen.
6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


6/28/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 非常感謝Esther和Kevin與我們分享他們結婚的喜悅。“願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。願耶和華使他的臉光照你,賜恩給你。”
  2. 感謝主!讓我們見證到主是如何引導甦凱去英國接收裝備。甦凱將於7月14日出發,去學習護教學,我們將會在7月12日的主日為他祝福。請您也在您的禱告中紀念甦凱。
  3. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
  4. 成人主日學:主題:基督生平;需要報名;時間:主日早晨9:30–10:20;日期:7/12-9/27;主講人:師母。
  5. 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Many thanks to Esther and Kevin for sharing with us the joy of their marriage. May the Lord continue blessing them and keeping them; make His face shine upon them and be gracious to them.
  2. We are grateful to see how the Lord is leading Sukai to be equipped in the UK. To learn apologetic, Sukai will be leaving on July 14. We are setting aside the date of July 12 to bless him. Please remember Sukai in your prayer.
  3. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
  4. Adult Sunday school: subject: Life of Christ; Registration is required ! Time: Sunday 9:30am-10:20am; Date: 7/12-9/27; Instructor: Mrs. Susan Chen.
  5. In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each other's watchman.
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


6/21/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 父親節的禱告:“主啊,讓我們在這特殊的日子——父親節,一起禱告。我們祈求,讓我們更多了解天上的父,我們祈求,所有的兄弟能享受以喜樂油彼此服事。
  2. 成人主日學:主題:基督生平;需要報名;時間:主日早晨9:30-10:20;日期:7/12-9/27;主講人:師母。
  3. 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
  4. 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Father's Day Prayer: "Lord, together we pray on this special day, the Father's Day. We pray we know you more as our Heavenly Father. And we pray that all our brothers will enjoy serving others with the Oil of Joy.
  2. Adult Sunday school: subject: Life of Christ; Registration is required ! Time: Sunday 9:30am-10:20am; Date: 7/12-9/27; Instructor: Mrs. Susan Chen.
  3. In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each other's watchman.
  4. To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 1st, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


6/14/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 成人主日學:主題:基督生平;需要報名;時間:主日早晨9:30-10:20;日期:7/12-9/27;主講人:師母。
  2. 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
  3. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與Elaine 聯繫。
  4. 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
  5. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Adult Sunday school: subject: Life of Christ; Registration is required ! Time: Sunday 9:30am-10:20am; Date: 7/12-9/27; Instructor: Mrs. Susan Chen.
  2. In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each other's watchman.
  3. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Elaine if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
  4. To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 1st, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
  5. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


6/7/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
  2. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與Elaine 聯繫。
  3. 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
  4. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each other's watchman.
  2. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Elaine if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
  3. To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 1st, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
  4. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


5/31/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
  2. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與Elaine 聯繫。
  3. 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
  4. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each others watchman.
  2. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Elaine if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
  3. To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 1st, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
  4. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


5/24/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與Elaine 聯繫。
  2. 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
  3. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  4. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Elaine if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
  2. To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 1st, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
  3. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  4. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


5/17/2015 Announcement& Prayer Requests

  1. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與Elaine 聯繫。
  2. 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
  3. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  4. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Elaine if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
  2. To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 2, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
  3. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  4. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


5/10/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 解釋、應用、見證: 為了幫助弟兄姊妹更切實地享受神的話語,見證神照祂話語所應許、守約施慈愛的大能,即日起,我們鼓勵大家讀聖經時,儘量使用E.A.T. (解釋、應用、見證)簡單易行的方式。我們邀請大家,每週有三個人能在主日分享,願意參與的人請於安琪聯絡。
  2. 2015年5月到2016年5月,我們將依據每日靈糧 “Bible in the year ”的讀經進度講道。這樣安排的主要目的是鼓勵和幫助我們的人進行一年的讀經計劃。(很多人想按照讀經進度進行讀經,但無法完成。我們希望並禱告讓大部分的人能因這樣的安排而得到祝福!)
  3. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  4. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. E A T (Explanation, Application, Testimony): We encourage our people to use E.A.T. method to read the Bible every day. We are recruiting three people to do E.A.T. each Sunday for the time being. Whoever would like to share, please contact Angel for it.
  2. New Entire Sunday service for new church: For May, 2015-May 2016, we will have Sunday sermons based on the Bible reading schedule of "Bible in One Year". The main purpose of the arrangement is to stimulate, encourage and assist our people to walk through the Bible in one year. (Many people want to walk through, but can't make it. We hope and pray most of the people will be benefited with new arrangement of the pulpit for a year)
  3. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  4. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


5/3/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 特別的主日——母親節: 下週是母親節,讓我們將這段時間分別出來,祝福所有的母親。請預備你的心來祝福母親們!
  2. 解釋、應用、見證: 為了幫助弟兄姊妹更切實地享受神的話語,見證神照祂話語所應許、守約施慈愛的大能,即日起,我們鼓勵大家讀聖經時,儘量使用E.A.T. (解釋、應用、見證)簡單易行的方式
  3. 2015年5月到2016年5月,我們將依據每日靈糧 “Bible in the year ”的讀經進度講道。這樣安排的主要目的是鼓勵和幫助我們的人進行一年的讀經計劃。
  4. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  5. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Special Sunday—mother’s day: Next week, Mother's Day Sunday, we will set aside to bless all mothers. Please prepare your heart to bless all mothers.
  2. E A T (Explanation, Application, Testimony): We encourage our people to use E.A.T. method to read the Bible every day.
  3. New Entire Sunday service for new church: For May, 2015-May 2016, we will have Sunday sermons based on the Bible reading schedule of ODB's "Bible in the Year". The main purpose of the arrangement is to stimulate, encourage and assist our people to walk through the Bible in one year. (Many people want to walk through, but can't make it. We hope and pray most of the people will be benefited with new arrangement of the pulpit for a year)
  4. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  5. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


4/26/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 2015年5月到2016年5月,我們依據“Bible in one year ”的讀經進度講道。這樣安排的主要目的是鼓勵和幫助我們的人進行一年的讀經計劃。(很多人想按照讀經進度進行讀經,但無法完成。我們希望並禱告讓大部分的人能因這樣的安排而得到祝福!)
  2. 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
  3. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  4. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. New Entire Sunday service for new church: For May, 2015-May 2016, we will have Sunday sermons based on the Bible reading schedule of "Bible in One Year". The main purpose of the arrangement is to stimulate, encourage and assist our people to walk through the Bible in one year. (Many people want to walk through, but can't make it. We hope and pray most of the people will be benefited with new arrangement of the pulpit for a year)
  2. Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
  3. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  4. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


4/19/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 感謝主!我們已經在這個美麗的大堂聚會三週了。為了保護我們大堂的整潔,讓大家能更持久的享受這個美好的環境,我們希望大家能主動配合:①聚會中請大家將手機調整到靜音狀態;②詩歌敬拜開始後我們會關上大堂正門,請晚到的弟兄姐妹從側門出入,并保持安靜;③請大家不要將食物和飲料帶進大堂!(如需要飲水,請用帶蓋的瓶子)
  2. 我們需要大家來支持教會的各項服事,目前有幾項服事開放給大家登記:接送董牧師,預備飯食,飯後清潔,兒童主日學老師。請有心參與的人向安琪詢問服事要求和其他細節!
  3. 禱告屋和禱告園地:請記得我們的禱告屋和禱告園地在等著您來使用。我們正在調整禱告屋內的房間,以方便您來禱告。歡迎大家使用教會的禱告屋和禱告園地,來尋求神,來享受禱告的生活。去禱告吧!求主讓你經歷祂甜美的同在。
  4. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!

  1. Praise Lord! We‘ve been gathering in the beautiful chapel for 3 weeks! In order to keep it clean, so that we can enjoy this wonderful place, we hope that we can take the initiative to meet: ①Please turn your phone to silent mode during the Sunday service; ②We will close the main entrance after the worship start, please use the side door if you’re late; ③Please don’t take food and drinks into the chapel! (If you need water, a bottle with a lid)
  2. We need you to support the church ministry, there are several ministries open to everyone to registration: Pick pastor Dong, preparing meals, cleaning after meals, children Sunday School teacher. Please ask Angel for details!
  3. Prayer houses and prayer garden: Please remember our prayer house and prayer garden are waiting for you to use. We are adjusting the rooms of prayer house for you. We welcome everyone to use the facility to seek God, and enjoy a life of prayer. Come pray! May you experience His sweet presence.
  4. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!


4/12/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 禱告屋:請記得我們有一間禱告屋在等著您來使用。我們正在調整禱告屋內的房間,以方便您來禱告。歡迎大家使用教會的禱告屋,來享受禱告的生活。
  2. 請記得喜樂泉禱告教會的禱告園地!看見那巨大的鴿子和彩虹了嗎?就如同以利亞所經歷的,您可以在那裡尋求神。我們有七間禱告室。去禱告吧!求主讓你經歷祂甜美的同在。
  3. 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  4. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”。我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. House of Prayer: Remember there is a house called House of Prayer at FOJPC! We are arranging the rooms for the purpose. Welcome to use the church facility to enjoy prayer life.
  2. Remember there is a garden called Prayer Garden at FOJPC! There is big rainbow there! A huge dove there too. As Elijah did, you can seek God there. There are plenty of rooms. Go pray and invite others to join you. May you enjoy sweet presence of The Lord.
  3. Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  4. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


4/5/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 從今天,2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
  2. 復活節:“這是耶和華所做的,在我們眼中看為稀奇。(詩篇118:23)” 當我們看見神在我們當中所行的一切時,我們就應如此對說。請您在每天的禱告中紀念我們的教會。我們將今天分別出來,將我們的教會獻給天父。
  3. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
  4. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”。我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Since today, Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!
  2. Easter Sunday: “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). This is what we would say to each other when we see how the Lord has accomplished in our midst. Please keep on remembering our church in your prayer every day. We would set aside today to dedicate our church to our Heavenly Father.
  3. Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps His promises. We encourage you to use the prayer rooms behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. When we pray in the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father will listen. He will reward those who are faithful and answer those prayers according to His will.
  4. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


3/29/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 復活節:“這是耶和華所做的,在我們眼中看為稀奇。(詩篇118:23)” 當我們看見神在我們當中所行的一切時,我們就應如此對說。請您在每天的禱告中紀念我們的教會。我們將會把下週日分別出來,將教會獻給天上的父。
  2. 受難節聚會:讓我們把受難節的週五分別為圣,來分享您經歷神的“愛的故事”。時間: 4/3(週五),6:30PM。地點:教會。聚餐。
  3. 主日學:我們將在3/29-5/3開設主日學課程:禱告學。上課時間是9:30-10:15,想要報名參加的人可以向安琪詢問詳情。
  4. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
  5. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”。我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要! 
  1. Easter Sunday: “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). This is what we would say to each other when we see how the Lord has accomplished in our midst. Please keep on remembering our church in your prayer every day. We would set aside this coming Sunday to dedicate our church to our Heavenly Father.
  2. Good Friday 2015:We are setting aside "Good Friday" for you to share with others the "Love story"-- how you experience the love of God. Date: April 3, 2015. Time: Friday, 6:30pm. Place: Church. Memo: potluck
  3. Sunday school: Subject: "Prayer". Date: 3/29-5/3. Time: 9:30-10:15. Ask Angel for the details.
  4. Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps His promises. We encourage you to use the prayer rooms behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. When we pray in the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father will listen. He will reward those who are faithful and answer those prayers according to His will.
  5. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


3/22/2015 Announcement & Paryer Requests

  1. 週五小組:你想看到淳如演奏二胡嗎?想和大家分享讓你感動的詩歌嗎?歡迎你來參加週五晚上的小組!詳情請向淳如詢問。
  2. 受難節聚會:讓我們把受難節的週五分別為圣,來分享您經歷神的“愛的故事”。時間:4/3(週五),6:30PM。地點:教會。聚餐。
  3. 主日學:我們將在3/29-5/3開設主日學課程:禱告學。上課時間是9:30-10:15,想要報名參加的人可以向安琪詢問詳情。
  4. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”。我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. The New format for Friday night small group: Want to watch Janelle play 二胡?Welcome to attend Friday Night small group. Want to share with others any inspiring music with others? please contact Janelle.
  2. Good Friday 2015:We are setting aside "Good Friday" for you to share with others the "Love story"-- how you experience the love of God. Date: April 3, 2015. Time: Friday, 6:30pm. Place: Church. Memo: potluck
  3. Sunday school: Subject: "Prayer". Date: 3/29-5/3. Time: 9:30-10:15. Ask Angel for the details.
  4. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


3/8/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 主日學:我們將在3/29-5/3開設主日學課程:禱告學。上課時間是9:30-10:15,想要報名參加的人可以向安琪詢問詳情。
  2. 禱告課程:從上週四開始,我們將在一段時間內日開展禱告課程。這些課程包括教導以及操練。感謝主!讓我們如同十二門徒一樣,向主耶穌學習禱告。請向Shirley詢問詳情。
  3. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”。我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  4. EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Sunday school: Subject: "Prayer". Date: 3/29-5/3. Time: 9:30-10:15. Ask Angel for the details.
  2. Prayer Lessons: Started from last week, the lesson of our Thursday class was about prayer. This teaching will go on for a period of time. The content will include lecture as well as practice. The Bible told us the twelve disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Praise the Lord, we are going to learn how to pray as those disciples did. Please contact Shirley for detail.
  3. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  4. EE Forward: EE stands for Elijah and Elisha, Forward: looking forward. This is a new project . The purpose of this project is for young people who can always look forward to God's promise by their willing to spend time for daily devotion and intercede for each other. Praise the Lord Elaine is willing to be the coordinator. Please pray for her and we look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


3/1/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 受難節聚會:讓我們將受難節的時間分別為圣,一同來分享您經歷神的“愛的故事”。時間:4月3日,週五,6:30PM。地點:Steve & Mary家。
  2. 主日學:我們將在3/29-5/3開設主日學課程:禱告學。上課時間是9:30-10:15,想要報名參加的人可以向安琪詢問詳情。
  3. 日光節約時間:下週日將開始使用夏令時間,我們在此溫馨提醒您提前幾天早睡,來適應時間的調整。
  4. 禱告課程:從上週四開始,我們將在一段時間內日開展禱告課程。這些課程包括教導以及操練。感謝主!讓我們如同十二門徒一樣,向主耶穌學習禱告。請向Shirley詢問詳情。
  5. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”。我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  6. EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  7. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Good Friday 2015:We are setting aside "Good Friday" for you to share with others the "Love story"-- how you experience the love of God. Date: April 3, 2015. Time: Friday, 6:30pm. Place: Steve and Mary’s home. Memo: potluck
  2. Sunday school: Subject: "Prayer". Date: 3/29-5/3. Time: 9:30-10:15. Ask Angel for the details.
  3. Daylight Saving Time 2015 begins officially on Sunday, March 8, at 2 a.m.
  4. Prayer Lessons: Started from last week, the lesson of our Thursday class was about prayer. This teaching will go on for a period of time. The content will include lecture as well as practice. The Bible told us the twelve disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Praise the Lord, we are going to learn how to pray as those disciples did. Please contact Shirley for detail.
  5. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  6. EE Forward: EE stands for Elijah and Elisha, Forward: looking forward. This is a new project . The purpose of this project is for young people who can always look forward to God's promise by their willing to spend time for daily devotion and intercede for each other. Praise the Lord Elaine is willing to be the coordinator. Please pray for her and we look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  7. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


2/22/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 禱告課程:從上週四開始,我們將在一段時間內日開展禱告課程。這些課程包括教導以及操練。感謝主!讓我們如同十二門徒一樣,向主耶穌學習禱告!請向Shirley詢問詳情。
  2. 農曆新年慶祝:我們將會在2月27日(週五)晚上6:30 在Steve和Mary家慶祝中國新年,請大家穿上傳統服飾或紅色的衣服,帶上一道你的拿手菜來和大家一起慶祝吧。請記得在你的日曆上記下這一天!
  3. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”!我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  4. EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  5. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
  6. 當你看到世界各地正在發生的事情,尤其各種家庭暴力導致的悲劇,你覺得作為一個基督徒你可以做什麼?有一件可以使生活更加美好的事是您可以做的:用你的生命證明耶穌基督的愛和福音的大能!讓大家彼此幫助,都擁有這樣的生命!

  1. Prayer Lessons: Started from last week, the lesson of our Thursday class was about prayer.. This teaching will go on for a period of time. The content will include lecture as well as practice. The Bible told us the twelve disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Praise the Lord, we are going to learn how to pray as those disciples did. Please contact Shirley for detail.
  2. Our 2015 Lunar New Year celebration will be held at Steve & Mary’s home on 2/27 (Fri)., 6:30PM. Please put on traditional Chinese clothing or dress in red if possible. It is going to be a potluck party. Please bring your favorite dish to share. Mark it down on your calendar to make sure you won't miss it.
  3. We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  4. EE Forward: EE stands for Elijah and Elisha, Forward: looking forward. This is a new project . The purpose of this project is for young people who can always look forward to God's promise by their willing to spend time for daily devotion and intercede for each other. Praise the Lord Elaine is willing to be the coordinator. Please pray for her and we look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  5. Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps His promises. We encourage you to use the prayer rooms behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. When we pray in the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father will listen. He will reward those who are faithful and answer those prayers according to His will.
  6. As a Christian what can you do when you see all things happening around the world, especially the tragedies as consequences of family violence, Let us determine to live in a life that is full of love and blessing so that we can demonstrate the power of the gospel to them. Let us help each other to live such a life.


2/15/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 禱告課程:從本週四開始,我們將會在一段時間內日開展禱告課程。這些課程包括教導以及操練。感謝主!讓我們如同十二門徒一樣,向主耶穌學習禱告!目前請向Shirley詢問詳情。
  2. 農曆新年慶祝:我們將會在2月27日(週五)晚上6:30 在Steve和Mary家慶祝中國新年,請帶上一道你的拿手菜來和大家一起慶祝吧。請記得在你的日曆上記下這一天!
  3. 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”!我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
  4. 當你看到世界各地正在發生的事情,尤其各種家庭暴力導致的悲劇,你覺得作為一個基督徒你可以做什麼?有一件可以使生活更加美好的事是您可以做的:用你的生命證明耶穌基督的愛和福音的大能!讓大家彼此幫助,都擁有這樣的生命!
  5. EE代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  6. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。

  1. Prayer Lessons: Starting this coming Thursday, we will teach prayer lessons for a period of time. There are lectures, as well as practices during the classes. For the time being, please contact Shirley for the details. Praise The Lord, we are going learn how to pray, as twelve disciples of Jesus did.
  2. Lunar New Year: We will celebrate Lunar New Year 2015. Make sure you mark out calendar, so you will remember to come. Also, remember it is potluck. Bring your best dish, so all can share with you. Date and time: 2/27 (Fri)., 6:30PM; Place: Steve & Mary’s home.
  3. We have been faithfully working toward the goal: Our church is indeed a real "Prayer Church" full of the love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
  4. When you see what has been happening around the world, especially different tragedies, as consequences of family violence, what do you think you can do as Christians? One thing you can always do to make life most beautiful: have your life demonstrating the love of Jesus and power of gospel! Have others help you to live such a life.
  5. EE stands for Elijah and Elisha ...Forward: looking forward. We pray young people will always have something promised in the Bible that they could look forward, whenever they are willing to spend for daily devotion and intercede for each other. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Elaine for being willing to coordinate the newest project. We all look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  6. As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.


2/8/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 為了慶祝中國新年,我們將在2月22日(週日)舉辦一個小型的慶祝活動。Elaine願意幫助我們協調這個活動。有任何建議或者問題都可以與Elaine聯絡。
  2. 我們正準備組織一項代禱事工。如果你可能有任何的建議,請聯繫師母或安琪。
  3. 幾天前,“聖靈,聖經,聖潔”這幾個詞在清晨出現在我腦海中,我知道這是神此時給我們的信息。讓我們從這一刻開始,與聖靈同行,持守聖經的教導,謙卑的活出對祂聖潔的渴慕。
  4. 禱告勇士:我們非常需要大家委身為他人代禱。請禱告並考慮加入禱告的隊伍。請向安琪詢問細節。
  5. EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  6. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。

  1. To celebrate Chinese New Year, we would have a mini celebration program right after Sunday service on 22th, February. Elaine is willing to coordinate the event. Any inputs are welcome. For all the details, please ask Elaine for it.
  2. We are preparing to organize an intercessory ministry. If you might have any inputs, please contact Susan or Angel
  3. Just a few days ago, I woke up with these few words revealed to me: “聖靈、聖經、聖潔” In spirit, I knew it is timely message for all of us: “聖靈、聖經、聖潔”(Holy Spirit, Holy Scripture, and Holiness) . Starting from this moment, let us live in step with the Holy Spirit, abiding with Holy Scripture, and humbly, together we live a life hungry for His holiness.
  4. Prayer warriors: We do need people to commit themselves to intercede for others. Please pray and consider to join the team. Please ask Angel for the details.
  5. EE stands for Elijah and Elisha ...Forward: looking forward. We pray young people will always have something promised in the Bible that they could look forward, whenever they are willing to spend for daily devotion and intercede for each other. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Elaine for being willing to coordinate the newest project. We all look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  6. As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.


1/25/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 幾天前,“聖靈,聖經,聖潔”這幾個詞在清晨出現在我腦海中,我知道這是神此時給我們的信息。讓我們從這一刻開始,與聖靈同行,持守聖經的教導,謙卑的活出對祂聖潔的渴慕。
  2. 禱告勇士:我們非常需要大家委身為他人代禱。請禱告並考慮加入禱告的隊伍。請向安琪詢問細節。
  3. EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  4. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
  5. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Just a few days ago, I woke up with these few words revealed to me: “聖靈、聖經、聖潔” In spirit, I knew it is timely message for all of us: “聖靈、聖經、聖潔”(Holy Spirit, Holy Scripture, and Holiness) . Starting from this moment, let us live in step with the Holy Spirit, abiding with Holy Scripture, and humbly, together we live a life hungry for His holiness.
  2. Prayer warriors: We do need people to commit themselves to intercede for others. Please pray and consider to join the team. Please ask Angel for the details.
  3. EE stands for Elijah and Elisha ...Forward: looking forward. We pray young people will always have something promised in the Bible that they could look forward, whenever they are willing to spend for daily devotion and intercede for each other. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Elaine for being willing to coordinate the newest project. We all look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  4. As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.
  5. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.

周間晨禱時間調整:我們週一至週五的晨禱時間將調整為7-8AM 在教會進行。我們邀請您來參加!
Adjustment of morning prayer: 7-8Am Daily at church.


1/18/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 關懷事工:我們感謝Anne願意幫助推動教會的關懷事工。如果你有任何建議可以聯絡Anne 。
  2. 今年的耶穌受難日和復活節分別在四月三日和五日。為了紀念主耶穌的受難和慶祝他的復活,我們禱告求神幫助我們打下一個堅實的禱告基石。如果你有任何的建議,可以聯絡安琪。
  3. 禱告勇士:我們非常需要大家委身為他人代禱。請禱告並考慮加入禱告的隊伍。請向安琪詢問細節。
  4. EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  5. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
  6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

  1. Caring ministry: We are grateful that Anne is willing to help promote church caring ministry. If you might have any possible inputs, please contact Anne Yuen directly. 
  2. Good Friday, April 3, 2015, and Easter, April 5, Sunday 2015. To remember the Good Friday and celebrate Easter Sunday 2015, we are praying to lay down firmest foundation of prayer ministry. If you might have any possible inputs, please contact Angel directly.
  3. Prayer warriors: We do need people to commit themselves to intercede for others. Please pray and consider to join the team. Please ask Angel for the details.
  4. EE stands for Elijah and Elisha ...Forward: looking forward. We pray young people will always have something promised in the Bible that they could look forward, whenever they are willing to spend for daily devotion and intercede for each other. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Elaine for being willing to coordinate the newest project. We all look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  5. As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.
  6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.

周間晨禱時間調整:我們週一至週五的晨禱時間將調整為7-8AM 在教會進行。我們邀請您來參加!
Adjustment of morning prayer: 7-8Am Daily at church.


1/11/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. EE代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
  2. 2015年第一個40天禱告鏈:從昨天(1/10)起,我們已經開始了40天禱告鏈。想要參加的弟兄姐妹可以向安琪詢問細節。
  3. 我們將會使用“每日靈糧”作為新一年的讀經進度,想要小冊子的人可向安琪詢問。
  4. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
  5. 周間禱告會:我們將於周間在教會晨禱以外增加另一個禱告會。時間為週二~週四,8:30-9:30,地點在福音站。聯繫人:師母。
  6. 教會維修:讚美主!因祂信實的供應教會維修的款項。讓我們繼續禱告,求主豐富的供應總款項$67,000.
  7. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
周間晨禱時間調整:我們週一至週五的晨禱時間將調整為7-8AM 在教會進行。我們邀請您來參加!

  1. EE stands for Elijah and Elisha ...Forward: looking forward. We pray young people will always have something promised in the Bible that they could look forward, whenever they are willing to spend for daily devotion and intercede for each other. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Elaine for being willing to coordinate the newest project. We all look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
  2. The first 40-day Prayer Chain (2015): Starting Yesterday, January 10, 2015, we have started 40 day prayer chain. Whoever would like to join, please ask Angel for the details.
  3. We encourage everyone to use Our Daily Devotional to experience God daily. Website: www.odb.org. Those who need the booklet can ask Angel.
  4. As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.
  5. Another Prayer meetings during the weekdays. Date: Tuesday-Thursday, 8:30-9:30 AM. Place: EE. Contact person Susan.
  6. Church maintenance: Praise The Lord for His faithfulness, because He has provided us some funds for fixing church building. Let us continue praying, so we reach the goal of $67,000.
  7. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.

Adjustment of morning prayer: 7-8Am Daily at church.


1/4/2015 Announcement & Prayer Requests

1. 我們將會使用“每日靈糧”作為新一年的讀經進度,想要小冊子的人可向安琪詢問。

2. 複習聖誕感言,迎接新年。

3. 我們致力於建立一個充滿愛和禱告的教會。任何希望成為禱告勇士的人,均可與安琪聯絡詢問細節。

4. 周間晨禱時間調整:我們週一至週五的晨禱時間將調整為7-8AM 在教會進行。我們邀請您來參加!

5. 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。

6. 周間禱告會:我們將於周間在教會晨禱以外增加另一個禱告會。時間為週二~週四,8:30-9:30,地點在福音站。聯繫人:師母。

7. 教會維修:讚美主!因祂信實的供應教會維修的款項。讓我們繼續禱告,求主豐富的供應總款項$67,000.

8. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!

1. We encourage everyone to use Our Daily Devotional to experience God daily. Web: www.odb.org. Those who need the booklet can ask Angel.

2. Revisiting Christmas Talk for the New Year:
With an extremely grateful heart this morning, I was eager to go and pray at David prayer room. Habitually, By habit I pray at different prayer room on different day. Today is Thursday, by default I go to David Prayer room. As today is Christmas day, I am eager to seek and worship the King, Jesus the Savior, as those wise men came from Orient seeking to worship the new born Jesus.
Hark the herald Angels sing. May the sound of music for the birth of Jesus, heir of David, surrounds you forever, forever inspiring you to devote yourself to praise and worship the Lord. Come on! Let us prepare ourselves for the New Year's Eve, coming back to the heart of worship and let us worship Jesus in one accord with songs.

3. We commit to build a church full of love and prayer. Whoever wants to sign up to be prayer warriors, contact Angel for the details.

4. Adjustment of morning prayer: 7-8Am Daily at church.

5. As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.

6. Another Prayer meetings during the week-days. Date: Tuesday-Thursday, 8:30-9:30AM. Place: EE. Contact person Susan.

7. Church maintenance: Praise The Lord for His faithfulness, because He has provided us some funds for fixing church building. Let us continue praying, so we reach the goal of $67,000.

8. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...