

  1. 讚美主,因祂使用我們彰顯祂的榮耀。主讓我們親歷祂用祂奇妙的作為呼召我們建立一個禱告的教會。任何參與過禱告事工的人都能見證神如何在我們身邊建立一個個的禱告勇士。對於禱告屋的修繕,我們有一個最後的呼召。由於意外增加的費用,我們迫切需要$5,500完成禱告屋第一階段的項目。請喜樂的加入代禱的行列,求主信實的供應我們。
  2. 看到神每一天都在復興我們的晨禱真是一件奇妙的事情!我們再次邀請您來!每天早上7-8:30。哪怕只能停留15分鐘。你必會經歷禱告改變你的生活!
  3. 周間的聖經課程:我們在週三的早、晚仍有聖經課程。讓我們一同探索聖經中的“領導學”。不要錯過這極好的機會!
  4. 讓我們一同期待更好的明天,帶領下一代認識主耶穌基督。請為甦凱代禱,因他為主名的緣故付出了極大的努力。
  5. 從三月開始,針對那些願意委身彼此代禱的弟兄姐妹,我們將建立“禱告網”。請在你的禱告中紀念我們的禱告事工。

  1. Praise the Lord for using us for His glory. It is marvelous in our eyes, when we see how the Lord is calling us to build a prayer church. Whoever has been involved in prayer ministry should have chances to testify how the Lord is building prayer warriors in our midst recently. We have Final Call for the project of House of Prayer this Sunday. Due to unexpected extra fees, to finish the first phase of the House of Prayer Project, we do have urgent need of 5,500. Please join pray joyfully and ask the Lord to provide all of needs faithfully.
  2. It is amazing to see how the Lord is reviving our morning prayer each and every morning. Come join. Remember it is 7am-8:30am daily. Whenever you can! Even just come and stay for15 minutes. Your day will be quite different if you come.
  3. Regarding Weekday Bible lessons, morning and evening, we are exploring the biblical leadership. You don’t want to miss it. It is super good.
  4. Always looking forward to better tomorrow, we are reaching our next generation for Christ. Please join praying for Sukai, as he is making great effort for His Name’s sake.
  5. Beginning in March, we will have “prayer network” for those whoever like to commit praying for each other. Please remember the Prayer Ministry in your prayer.



  1. 讚美主!在幾個月的努力後,我們終於可以在主日早上9:30開始一小時的禱告會。讓我們繼續維持這善工,永不妥協!主喜悅我們所獻上的感恩。
  2. 讚美主!禱告屋的牆已經油漆好了。我們很感謝主為我們預備資金來修繕教會。讓我們一起同心祈禱,讓主能展現祂的信實,豐豐富富的供應我們。
  3.  除了為禱告屋修繕款項的禱告,我們也真誠地邀請你來禱告:求神透過以利亞以利沙事工來擴張神的國度,帶來教會的復興!
  4. 以利亞以利沙事工:在甦銘和甦凱帶領“下一代”建立禱告小組的同時,牧師也有屬天的負擔,希望能建立一個弟兄們的代禱小組,來祝福妻子們和下一代的年輕人。

  1. Praise The Lord, after trying few months, we are determined to come to church to offer one-hour prayer at 9:30 AM on Sunday. Let us keep up the good work. Never compromise it! The Lord is pleased with our thanksgiving offering.
  2. Praise The Lord, we have painted the wall of the House of Prayer. And we are grateful that The Lord has provided us some fund for the remodeling. Let us pray in one accord, so The Lord will provide us faithfully.
  3. Besides praying for the building fund we need, we sincerely ask you to come pray for the revival of our church and the expansion of the Kingdom of God through E&E prayer ministry.
  4. E&E ministry: While Suming and Sukai are inviting next generation to join accountability group for interceding each other, Pastor Abraham Chen has heavenly burden to form a brothers' prayer group, FIRST blessing wives and next generation, if brothers are married and having children.



  1. 讚美主!在幾個月的努力後,我們終於可以在主日早上9:30開始一小時的禱告會。讓我們繼續維持這善工,永不妥協!主喜悅我們所獻上的感恩。
  2. 讚美主!禱告屋的牆已經油漆好了。我們很感謝主為我們預備資金來修繕教會。讓我們一起同心祈禱,讓主能展現祂的信實,豐豐富富的供應我們。
  3. 除了為禱告屋修繕款項的禱告,我們也真誠地邀請你來禱告:求神透過以利亞以利沙事工來擴張神的國度,帶來教會的復興!
  4. 以利亞以利沙事工:在甦銘和甦凱帶領“下一代”建立禱告小組的同時,牧師也有屬天的負擔,希望能建立一個弟兄們的代禱小組,來祝福妻子們和下一代的年輕人。

  1. Praise The Lord, after trying few months, we are determined to come to church to offer one-hour prayer at 9:30 AM on Sunday. Let us keep up the good work. Never compromise it! The Lord is pleased with our thanksgiving offering.
  2. Praise The Lord, we have painted the wall of the House of Prayer. And we are grateful that The Lord has provided us some fund for the remodeling. Let us pray in one accord, so The Lord will provide us faithfully.
  3. Besides praying for the building fund we need, we sincerely ask you to come pray for the revival of our church and the expansion of the Kingdom of God through E&E prayer ministry.
  4. E&E ministry: While Suming and Sukai are inviting next generation to join accountability group for interceding each other, Pastor Abraham Chen has heavenly burden to form a brothers' prayer group, FIRST blessing wives and next generation, if brothers are married and having children.




  1. 最重要的事就是:不住的讚美主。讚美將帶你經歷主的同在,你可以在讚美中體驗神的大能。我們誠摯的邀請你來參加晨禱,如果你無法每天都來,或者也不能每週來一次,請你至少每月來參加一次晨禱!主喜悅我們聚集的禱告,祂以我們的讚美為寶座,與我們同在。
  2. 讚美主!上週我們收到了為禱告殿的特別奉獻$ 2,300,總共的餘額為6,000元。因禱告的殿的預算需要增加$ 2,000,補上中間的差額。所以,預算的實際金額為$10,000。(我們目前總共有$4,000的特別奉獻,所以仍需要$6,000。)請大家同心為此禱告,耶和華必照祂榮耀的豐富及時供應。
  3. 除了為禱告屋修繕款項的禱告,我們也真誠地邀請你來禱告:求神透過以利亞以利沙事工來擴張神的國度,帶來教會的復興!
  4. 以利亞以利沙事工:在甦銘和甦凱帶領“下一代”建立禱告小組的同時,牧師也有屬天的負擔,希望能建立一個弟兄們的代禱小組,來祝福妻子們和下一代的年輕人。

  1. First thing first: Keep on praising The Lord. You will experience the presence of God. And you will experience the power of God. If possible, come join morning prayer once a month, if not once a week, or if not every day. Indeed The Lord is pleasing to see our corporate prayer, especially in praising Him.
  2. Praise The Lord, the total special love offering for the House of Prayer up to last Sunday is $2,300. The remaining balance is 6,000. (Knowing the budget of house of prayer needs to increase $2,000, The Lord has touched someone to cover the amount of this increase.) So, the actual amount of budget is 10,000. And the designated offering received for the time being is 4,000. And the remaining balance is still 6,000. Please join praying in one accord, so The Lord will certainly provide according to His glorious richness.
  3. Besides praying for the building fund we need, we sincerely ask you to come pray for the revival of our church and the expansion of the Kingdom of God through E&E prayer ministry.
  4. E&E ministry: While Suming and Sukai are inviting next generation to join accountability group for interceding each other, Pastor Abraham Chen has heavenly burden to form a brothers' prayer group, FIRST blessing wives and next generation, if brothers are married and having children.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...