

  1. 讚美主!我們的執行團隊近日已建立。團隊近期的目標就是建立天國文化(Kingdom culture)。
  2. 感謝主!Cindy 願意負責關懷探訪小組的事工,歡迎弟兄姊妹們支持與參與。
  3. 好消息預告:鋼琴班成果發表會將於11/19,1:00 pm ~ 2:00 pm在教會舉行,請大家預留時間,並邀請朋友參加。
  4. 讚美感謝主! 我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。

  1. Praise the Lord! Our church executive team was established recently. Our first goal is to build a Kingdom Culture. Team members are: Pastor, Shawn and ShuHui.
  2. Praise the Lord Cindy is willing to coordinator the caring and visiting ministry. Please participate and be supportive. 
  3. The piano class students of our church will hold a piano recital at church on Sunday, November 19th. 1-2 PM. Please attend and invite your family and friends.
  4. Praise the Lord. English Sunday worship was started. Welcome all young people (sixth grade and above) to attend.



  1. 感謝主!哲虹願意承接關懷探訪小組的負責人,並且Kevin也願意配搭英文組的服事。我們希望藉著Kevin這塊金磚能引出更多璞玉,一同向主耶穌學習,把愛的福音傳出去!
  2. 洪長老鼓勵弟兄姊妹們上網觀看一部數次得獎的短片“愛一直都在”,這是洪長老鼓勵台北藝人之家拍攝的第一部微電影,內容描述的就是我們與家人,故事雖然簡單,但十分貼切。該影片的網址是:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86MAqMXtro
  3. 歡迎您加入晨禱行列!時間:7-8AM週一到週五;地點:教會。詳情請問Angel。
  4. 讚美感謝主!我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。

  1. Praise the Lord, Cindy will take the responsibility to coordinate the caring and visiting ministry. Kevin Lee will work with Cindy and assist the English group. Pray that all they have done will inspire more brothers and sisters to get involved to advance the Gospel.
  2. Elder Hung encouraged us to spend 7 minutes to watch this mircro-film “Love always there”. The story is so close to our daily life of the the life of a lot of people we knowIt is a Chinese speaking moivie with English captioning. https://www.youtube.com/watch? V = l86MAqMXtro
  3. Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel.
  4. Praise the Lord, English Sunday Service has begun. Let’s pray for this Ministry.



  1. 上週日晚,北加州Napa附近突發猛烈的山火,野火肆虐,很多地區已經進入緊急狀況,上萬人被迫撤離,棄守家園,滿天令人窒息的煙霧和粉塵已嚴重影響到灣區的空氣質量。目前火勢仍在擴散,祈求神施憐憫,及時的恩典能臨到需要的人身上。同時也求主保守我們所有的人,平日就儲存信靠主的心志,任何可能的急難來臨時,我們可以及時呼求主名。
  2. 洪長老每日的詩篇靈修信息,若有弟兄姊妹尚未透過手機收到這靈糧,請洽詢安琪。
  3. 歡迎您加入晨禱行列!時間:7-8AM 週一到週五;地點:教會。詳情請問Angel或Anne。
  4. 讚美感謝主! 我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。

  1. A perfect storm of factors that have fanned the wildfires that began Sunday night, causing widespread devastation, forcing tens of thousands people to evacuate in Northern California. Smoke from wildfires blanketed the Bay Area on Wednesday, drowning out the sun and bringing the air quality down to unhealthy levels. Let us pray for those who are undergoing destruction. May God's mercy and grace fall on them. At the same time, we also pray for us and realize that we should establish faith in God every day, so we know how to rely on our Lord to face any emergency.
  2. Elder Simon Hung also sends out his daily devotion on Psalms (in Chinese) as our bread of life through Line. If you are interested to connect to the information through you cell phone, please contact Angel.
  3. Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel or Anne.
  4. Praise the Lord, English Sunday Service has begun. Let’s pray for this Ministry.


四種形式的禱告會 Four types of prayer meeting


Four types of prayer meeting

  • 週五晚間禱告會 Prayer meeting on Friday night 8:00-9:30PM

  • 目標:改變自己,建造生命 
  • Purpose: Offer prayers to change myself

  • 主日晨禱  Morning Prayer on Sunday 9:30-10:00AM

  • 目標:向主獻上感謝和讚美
  • Purpose: Praise the Lord with thanksgiving offerings

  • 主日關懷禱告會 Sunday caring prayer meeting 11:30AM-12:30PM

  • 目標:彼此關懷代禱
  • Purpose: Care for others through interceding for others

  • 週間晨禱 Weekdays morning prayer
  • 週一~週五 Monday-Friday7:00-8:00 am



  1. 洪長老近日鼓勵弟兄姊妹們查考腓力比書,這是一封喜樂的書信!上週五(10/6)晚上的禱告聚會,小組剛開始研讀,盼望藉著信裡的勸勉和鼓勵,謹記:務要靠主常常喜樂!希望眾弟兄姊妹能參加週五禱告聚會。
  2. 洪長老每日的詩篇靈修信息, 若有弟兄姊妹尚未透過手機收到這靈糧,請洽詢安琪。
  3. 歡迎您加入晨禱行列!時間:7-8AM 週一到週五;地點:教會。詳情請問Angel或Anne。
  4. 讚美感謝主! 我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。
  5. 牧師強力推薦一本好書:"男人的力量",書本現已抵教會, 有意閱讀者, 請洽淑慧。歡迎自由奉獻!

  1. Philippian, A Letter of Joy by Paul from prison: Last week Elder Simon Hung suggested our brothers and sisters to study this book. And starting from 10/6, our Friday night group begun to do it. Hopefully through the teaching and encouragement from this letter, we will remember to rejoice in the Lord always. May our brothers and sisters can attend Friday prayer fellowship. 
  2. Elder Simon Hung also sends out his daily devotion on Psalms (in Chinese) as our bread of life through Line. If you are interested to connect to the information through you cell phone, please contact Angel.
  3. Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel or Anne.
  4. Praise the Lord, English Sunday Service has begun. Let’s pray for this Ministry.
  5. Pastor highly recommend a book: "The Power of Men", we have the Chinese version at church. Please contact Shu Hui if you are interested to have one. Welcome your donation to help spend.



  1. 今天是中秋節的中英文聯合聚會, 我們一起歌唱讚美主, 還有Aurick彈奏“耶穌愛我”,同時, 分享弟兄姊妹們的奇妙見證。
  2. 歡迎您加入晨禱行列!時間:7-8AM 週一到週五;地點:教會。詳情請問Angel或Anne。
  3. 讚美感謝主! 我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。
  4. 牧師強力推薦一本好書:"男人的力量",書本現已抵教會, 有意閱讀者, 請洽淑慧。歡迎自由奉獻!

  1. Today is a special “Chinese Moon Festival” English-Chinese Joint service starts at 10 am. 1) Aurick will participate to play piano "Jesus loves me", let us pray for him and we will sing along while he is playing. 2) We have several testimonies today. We encourage you to share with us your own testimony in our future services. Please notify Elaine to arrange date and time.
  2. Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel or Anne.
  3. Praise the Lord, English Sunday Service has begun. Let’s pray for this Ministry.
  4. Pastor highly recommend a book: "The Power of Men", we have the Chinese version at church. Please contact Shu Hui if you are interested to have one. Welcome your donation to help spend.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...