- 禱告課程:從上週四開始,我們將在一段時間內日開展禱告課程。這些課程包括教導以及操練。感謝主!讓我們如同十二門徒一樣,向主耶穌學習禱告!請向Shirley詢問詳情。
- 農曆新年慶祝:我們將會在2月27日(週五)晚上6:30 在Steve和Mary家慶祝中國新年,請大家穿上傳統服飾或紅色的衣服,帶上一道你的拿手菜來和大家一起慶祝吧。請記得在你的日曆上記下這一天!
- 我們正忠心的向著我們的目標前進:我們是充滿神愛的名副其實的“禱告教會”!我們真誠的希望大家能同心禱告,讓牧師有從天上而來的智慧,帶領大家在復活節前繼續向著我們的目標邁進!
- EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
- 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
- 當你看到世界各地正在發生的事情,尤其各種家庭暴力導致的悲劇,你覺得作為一個基督徒你可以做什麼?有一件可以使生活更加美好的事是您可以做的:用你的生命證明耶穌基督的愛和福音的大能!讓大家彼此幫助,都擁有這樣的生命!
- Prayer Lessons: Started from last week, the lesson of our Thursday class was about prayer.. This teaching will go on for a period of time. The content will include lecture as well as practice. The Bible told us the twelve disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Praise the Lord, we are going to learn how to pray as those disciples did. Please contact Shirley for detail.
- Our 2015 Lunar New Year celebration will be held at Steve & Mary’s home on 2/27 (Fri)., 6:30PM. Please put on traditional Chinese clothing or dress in red if possible. It is going to be a potluck party. Please bring your favorite dish to share. Mark it down on your calendar to make sure you won't miss it.
- We have been faithfully working toward the goal that our church is indeed a "Prayer Church" and a church full of love of The Lord. We sincerely hope everyone would pray in one accord, so Pastor Abraham would have divine wisdom to lead church toward the goal by Easter 2015.
- EE Forward: EE stands for Elijah and Elisha, Forward: looking forward. This is a new project . The purpose of this project is for young people who can always look forward to God's promise by their willing to spend time for daily devotion and intercede for each other. Praise the Lord Elaine is willing to be the coordinator. Please pray for her and we look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
- Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps His promises. We encourage you to use the prayer rooms behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. When we pray in the name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father will listen. He will reward those who are faithful and answer those prayers according to His will.
- As a Christian what can you do when you see all things happening around the world, especially the tragedies as consequences of family violence, Let us determine to live in a life that is full of love and blessing so that we can demonstrate the power of the gospel to them. Let us help each other to live such a life.