- 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
- EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與Elaine 聯繫。
- 为了切实的幫助大家享受“每日靈糧”的全年讀經計劃,我們將會從6月1日開始,給願意參與此項讀經計劃的弟兄姐妹,提供每日讀經的輔助資料。詳情請詢問安琪。
- 為了下一代,讓我們學習新的歌曲:我們將使用的主日學的部分時間(9:30-10:20)學習一些新的敬拜歌曲,讓我們可以與下一代一起自由地敬拜。讓我們為“下一代”來建立教會。主會因著我們的努力獎賞我們。(要先求祂的國和祂的義,我們需要的一切祂將會賜給我們!)
- 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
- In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each others watchman.
- EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Elaine if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
- To help our people enjoy doing daily devotion, reading the Bible in one year, starting June 1st, we will provide Bible Aid to assist whoever needs help reading the Bible.
- Learn new songs for building next generation: We will use part of Sunday school time (9:30-10:20 am) to learn new songs, so we can freely worship together with next generation. Let us build a church for next generation. The Lord will reward us the effort we make. (Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all we need, He will give to us!)
- We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.