- 非常感謝Esther和Kevin與我們分享他們結婚的喜悅。“願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。願耶和華使他的臉光照你,賜恩給你。”
- 感謝主!讓我們見證到主是如何引導甦凱去英國接收裝備。甦凱將於7月14日出發,去學習護教學,我們將會在7月12日的主日為他祝福。請您也在您的禱告中紀念甦凱。
- 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
- 成人主日學:主題:基督生平;需要報名;時間:主日早晨9:30–10:20;日期:7/12-9/27;主講人:師母。
- 為了讓教會能真正切實的開始早晨7點到晚上7點的禱告,我們將從本週開始開展這一事工。歡迎大家登記時間到教會來禱告。讓我們互相守望,建立一個真正的禱告教會。
- 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
- Many thanks to Esther and Kevin for sharing with us the joy of their marriage. May the Lord continue blessing them and keeping them; make His face shine upon them and be gracious to them.
- We are grateful to see how the Lord is leading Sukai to be equipped in the UK. To learn apologetic, Sukai will be leaving on July 14. We are setting aside the date of July 12 to bless him. Please remember Sukai in your prayer.
- Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
- Adult Sunday school: subject: Life of Christ; Registration is required ! Time: Sunday 9:30am-10:20am; Date: 7/12-9/27; Instructor: Mrs. Susan Chen.
- In order for our church prayer happens from 7 AM to 7PM, we like to start put it in action starting from this week. Welcome to join this ministry and together we can build a real prayer church. Please sign up and be each other's watchman.
- We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.