1. 教會現在需要$6,500來維修Timothy Hall的屋頂,目前已經有$2,000的奉獻。我們在此邀請弟兄姐們以喜樂的心來獻上神所感動您的奉獻。
2. 主日聚會:我們希望能在主日的9:30-12:00這段時間加強關懷和代禱。關懷事工和代禱事工的負責人是哲虹姐妹和師母,請大家支持她們的服事,並獻上您的代禱。
3. 週五團契:目前我們週五團契禱告會的目標是“建造生命”,時間是週五晚上7:30-9:00,歡迎大家來參加!
4. 從本週起,所有主日服事請在9:20前預備好,請弟兄姐妹們支持。
1. Love in action: Our church needs to fix roof. It is $6,500 in total. We already have love offering of $2,000 for it. Your love offering with cheerful heart is much appreciated.
2. Sunday service: We hope to strengthen our caring ministry and prayer ministry on Sunday. The coordinators are Jer-hung and Susan, please support their service and offer your intercession.
3. Friday night fellowship: The purpose of Friday night’s prayer fellowship is "Offer prayers to change myself", time: 7:30-9:00PM, everyone is welcome to join!
4. Starting from this week, all the Sunday service should be get ready before 9:20AM, please give your support.