1. 愛與禱告事工:我們正在尋求開展愛與禱告事工的點子,如果您有任何建議,可以與美智或安琪聯絡。
2. 晨禱和週五禱告會:我們準備把週間的晨禱和週五“改變自己的禱告”開放給公眾。請大家代禱。
3. 郭小莊生命見證會:郭小莊姐妹將在7/30(週日)到我們教會做見證分享,主題是“在愛中相遇”,歡迎大家邀請親友來參加。
4. 四種禱告:目前教會在推展四種禱告會,我們在此邀請弟兄姐妹們參加:1)改變自己的禱告會,週五7:30 pm;2) 感謝,讚美主的禱告會,主日9:30-10:15 am;3) 彼此關懷互相祝福的禱告會,主日11:45 am-12:30 pm ;4) 週間晨禱,週一~週五,8:30-9:30 am。
1. Love and Prayer ministry: we are collecting ideas to do Love and Prayer ministry. Welcome to contact Mei-jech or Angel for the details.
2. Morning Prayer and The prayer that changes myself: We are preparing to make Morning Prayer, Monday to Friday, a public event. So does the prayer meeting, "The prayer that changes myself" on Friday night.
3. Ms. Guo's Testimony: There will be a testimony sharing on 7/30 (Sunday). The theme of her testimony is “Meet in Love”, we encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us in this event.
4. Four types of prayer meetings: We are promoting four types of prayer meetings at our church now, we hope you will come and join us: 1) The prayer that change yourself, on Friday 7:30pm; 2) The prayer meeting that focuses on Praising the Lord with thanksgiving offerings, on Sunday 9:30-10:15 am; 3) Sunday caring prayer meeting at 11:45 am; 4) Morning prayer meetings: Monday- Friday 8:30-9:30am.