- 好消息!中秋節聚會:日期/時間:10/4(星期三),6 pm-8:45pm;地點:教會/禱告園地。備註:(1)我們鼓勵每個人在中秋節前默想40條經文。根據這40條聖經經文,練習禱讀。並準備在10月4日聚會時與兄弟姐妹們分享您的信仰之旅。(2)這次聚會將有四個部分:詩歌,分享神的話語,互相代禱,了解我們在本地的外展事工和海外宣教。(3)我們會在中秋節聚會結束時點亮燈籠。(4)為了保證這次聚會的質量,晚餐將限定在6-7點,整個聚會在8:45準時結束。(5)歡迎您的親戚朋友參加聚會。聯繫人:Elaine和Jenny。
- 讚美主!在很長時間的等待和禱告之後,我們終於開始英文主日崇拜了。整個英文主日崇拜的設計是以能滿足六年級和以上兒童,青少年的需求為主的。請您在決定要參加中文主日崇拜還是英文主日崇拜前多多禱告。
- Great news! The Moon Festival Gathering: Date/Time: 10/4(Wednesday), 6pm-8:45pm; place: church/prayer garden. Memo: (1) Everyone is encouraged to meditate on 40 selected Bible verses before the Moon Festival. Do your best to practice Scripture Praying based on these 40 Bible verses. And get ready to share your amazing faith journey with brothers and sisters when we gather on Oct 4th. (2) Four main parts of the gathering: Singing, sharing the Word of God, praying for each other, getting to know few local outreach activities and overseas mission. (3) Do look forward to lighting lanterns when we are about to conclude Moon Festival gathering. (4) To make the gathering more meaningful, dinner will be served only between 6:00-7:00pm. (Smile, this is not kidding) And we definitely aim to finish the gathering not later than 8:45pm. (5) Welcome to bring your relatives and friends to participate the gathering. Contact persons: Elaine and Jenny.
- Praise the Lord, the long-awaited English worship has begun. Our new English Sunday worship is deigned the way that all six graders can enjoy attending as well. Pray first before you choose either Chinese or English congregation to attend.