1. 教會將在2/16晚舉行春節特別聚會,為彼此以及親友們祝福,代禱。地點:教會;時間:6:15PM;有Potluck。
2. 3/23 (週五)及3/25(週日)晚上7:30pm 李恕信(Esther)博士將會來教會與我們分享,主題是:與下一代溝通。歡迎大家邀請親友來參加!
3. 禱告事工:
i)「修復52」方案, Dates: Feb 15-April 7
ii) 「更新40」方案, Dates: April 15- May 24
iii)「復興21」方案, Dates: June 3-June 23
4. 教會目前需要維修外牆和禱告室,請大家在禱告中紀念此事。求主充足的供應教會維修的需要。
1. A Chinese New Year gathering will be held on 2/16 at church. Let’s use this time to bless and pray for each other and our family and friends. Potluck starts at 6:15PM.
2. Dr. Esther(李恕信) is coming to our church on 3/23 and 25 (Fri.& Sun. night 7:30pm) to share with us the topic of “Communicating with the Next Generation”. Welcome to invite relatives and friends to participate!
3. Prayer Ministry : a) Project “Restoration 52”, Dates: Feb 15-April 7; b) Project “Renewal 40”, Dates: April 15- May 24; c) Project “Revival 21”, Dates: June 3-June 23
4. We need to repair the detached wall in front of the church house and the 7 prayer rooms at the prayer garden. Please pray for adequate supply from the Lord.