- 感謝主!在收到禱告殿1,000元的特別愛心奉獻之後,我們上週收到了共計700美元的指定奉獻。請弟兄姐妹們繼續為剩餘的款項6300美元來禱告。讓我們一同經歷神的信實。
- 除了為禱告屋修繕款項的禱告,我們也真誠地邀請你來禱告:求神透過以利亞以利沙事工來擴張神的國度,帶來教會的復興!
- 以利亞以利沙事工:在甦銘和甦凱帶領“下一代”建立禱告小組的同時,牧師也有屬天的負擔,希望能建立一個弟兄們的代禱小組,來祝福妻子們和下一代的年輕人。
- After receiving the special love offering of $1,000 for the House of Prayer, we already have another $ 700 designated for remodeling the House of Prayer. Please join praying for The Lord to provide the remaining balance $6,300. Together we should experience the faithfulness of God.
- Besides praying for the building fund we need, we sincerely ask you to come pray for the revival of our church and the expansion of the Kingdom of God through E&E prayer ministry.
- E&E ministry: While Suming and Sukai are inviting next generation to join accountability group for interceding each other, Pastor Abraham Chen has heavenly burden to form a brothers' prayer group, FIRST blessing wives and next generation, if brothers are married and having children.