- 以利亞以利沙事工:在甦銘和甦凱帶領“下一代”建立禱告小組的同時,牧師也有屬天的負擔,希望能建立一個弟兄們的代禱小組,來祝福妻子們和下一代的年輕人。
- 2014 年的第一件事:歡迎任何一位想要在一年中讀完一次聖經的弟兄姐妹來向師母和甦凱登記:讀中文聖經的可以和師母登記,英文聖經向甦凱登記。
- 以利亞以利沙事工將推動一項委身的小組,若您有興趣可以向甦銘詢問。
- 從2014年的第一天開始,我們將在晨禱中用一部分時間來實踐用聖經上的話語禱讀,師母將帶領中文部的禱告,牧師將帶領英文部的禱告。
- 任何有負擔到我們的禱告屋禱告的弟兄姐妹都可以向Angela或安琪來登記你禱告的時間。愿神祝福你。
- 請大家為教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
- E&E ministry: While Suming and Sukai are inviting next generation to join accountability group for interceding each other, Pastor Abraham Chen has heavenly burden to form a brothers' prayer group, FIRST blessing wives and next generation, if brothers are married and having children.
- First thing first for the new year YEAR 2014: whoever would like to read the Bible in one year, register with Susan if you choose Chinese-edition Bible; register with Sukai, for English-edition Bible
- Elijah & Elisha ministry will promote a accountability group. please ask Suming for details, if you might have interests.
- Beginning the first day of year 2014, we will spend some time for scripture prayer in the morning prayer meeting. Susan will lead Chinese speaking prayer, while Pastor Abraham will lead English speaking prayer
- Whoever has heavenly burdens to come to house of prayer to pray, contact Angela or Angel to sign up your time slot. Bless your heart
- Pray for The Lord to provide our need. He will, if we pray faithfully in one accord. Amen and amen!