- 讚美主!在幾個月的努力後,我們終於可以在主日早上9:30開始一小時的禱告會。讓我們繼續維持這善工,永不妥協!主喜悅我們所獻上的感恩。
- 讚美主!禱告屋的牆已經油漆好了。我們很感謝主為我們預備資金來修繕教會。讓我們一起同心祈禱,讓主能展現祂的信實,豐豐富富的供應我們。
- 除了為禱告屋修繕款項的禱告,我們也真誠地邀請你來禱告:求神透過以利亞以利沙事工來擴張神的國度,帶來教會的復興!
- 以利亞以利沙事工:在甦銘和甦凱帶領“下一代”建立禱告小組的同時,牧師也有屬天的負擔,希望能建立一個弟兄們的代禱小組,來祝福妻子們和下一代的年輕人。
- Praise The Lord, after trying few months, we are determined to come to church to offer one-hour prayer at 9:30 AM on Sunday. Let us keep up the good work. Never compromise it! The Lord is pleased with our thanksgiving offering.
- Praise The Lord, we have painted the wall of the House of Prayer. And we are grateful that The Lord has provided us some fund for the remodeling. Let us pray in one accord, so The Lord will provide us faithfully.
- Besides praying for the building fund we need, we sincerely ask you to come pray for the revival of our church and the expansion of the Kingdom of God through E&E prayer ministry.
- E&E ministry: While Suming and Sukai are inviting next generation to join accountability group for interceding each other, Pastor Abraham Chen has heavenly burden to form a brothers' prayer group, FIRST blessing wives and next generation, if brothers are married and having children.