- 從今天開始,我們將恢復從早上七點到晚上七點的“連鎖禱告”,我們歡迎任何有感動的弟兄姐妹參加。想參加的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡Angel。英文部的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡甦銘。
- 我們親愛的弟兄 Jonathan Jou於3月20日早晨歇了他手中一切的勞苦,安息主懷。求主安慰他的家人,也紀念大家長期以來愛心的擺上。
- 讚美主!祂的信實何其廣闊。我們的禱告屋工程幾乎已經完工了,我們歡迎大家到禱告屋“參觀”。也非常歡迎大家到禱告屋禱告。
- 讓我們每天清晨都向主獻上偉大的禱告!每一天我們都要來讚美主!
- 我們將在母親節有一個特別的聚會,詳情請詢問甦凱。
- Starting today, we will resume the prayer chain 7 am to 7 pm. Whoever is willing to participate, contact Angel. For those who would like to commit to joining the prayer chain for young adults, please contact Suming.
- Our dear brother Jonathan Jou rest in Christ on the morning of March 20th. May the Lord comfort his family and take comfort in the love provided by us and others around them.
- Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. The House of Prayer Project is almost done. You are welcome to take a look. Remember to utilize the facilities and go PRAY.
- Come offer great prayers every morning. Every day, we practice praising the Lord!
- We are planning Mother Day Event. For any inputs, please contact Sukai.