- 感謝主!我們已經開始使用禱告屋來禱告了。我們歡迎大家來多多的使用禱告屋,讓我們成為禱告的勇士!我們有5個禱告室:以利沙,馬利亞,保羅,亞伯拉罕和撒母耳。
- 以利亞以利沙事工:牧師重新回到以利亞以利沙事工的定位。晨禱是其中的第一個項目。預知任何關於晨禱的更新信息,請詢問安琪。我們歡迎弟兄姐妹打電話來加入我們的禱告。
- 願神祝福我們,讓我們能同心禱告,神必會充充足足的供應我們一切所需! 我們相信,我們的神是守約施慈愛的神,祂必會祝福我們,成就我們同心合意的禱告。
- The House of Prayer: We have started using the House of Prayer to facilitate people who would like to pray. Please take the advantage of the facility, so you can be better trained to be prayer warriors. We have five Prayer Room: Elisha, Mary, Paul, Abraham, Samuel
- Elijah & Elisha: It has been for a week, as Pastor Abraham Chen has been refocusing on the vision and mission of Elijah and Elisha Ministry. Morning Prayer daily at 7am, is first project of Elijah and Elisha. Please ask Angel for the renewal of the Morning Prayer daily. Finally we are ready for you to call in or join us online.
- Pray for God to provide us financial need. We trust our covenant-keeping God will faithfully bless us everything we need if we pray in one accord. Thus let us pray in one accord. Amen