- 你希望你的禱告更有能力嗎?來操練禱讀吧! 希伯來書4:12說:“神的道是活潑的,是有功效的,比一切兩刃的劍更快”。當我們用神的話禱告時,我們進到神的同在中,並釋放屬天的能力。
- 我們需要$4,500的費用,做一些教會維修,請大家為此禱告,求主供應。
- 我們已經開始了“以利亞以利沙”的晚間禱告會。讚美主!讓我們可以聚集在一起分享主的話語并彼此祝福,我們也在此繼續邀請您來參加週三晚上7:15-8:30 的禱告會。也請大家為此禱告,求主賜智慧以及能力,讓我們更好的推動這項事工。
- 我們已從上週在晨禱外增加了兩個禱告時段,每天的1-2PM 和 7-8PM,弟兄姐妹們若有任何代禱需要,均可打電話到:408-774-0700,將有代禱勇士與您一同禱告。我們也邀請有代禱負擔的肢體在培訓後參與到這項服事當中!
- 暑期期間,我們週五的團契會繼續在不同的家庭中進行,歡迎教會的弟兄姐妹們參加,大家彼此關懷,增進在基督裡面的愛。
- Would you like your prayers to be more powerful? Pray the Scriptures. Hebrews 4:12 says that God's Word is alive and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. When we speak and pray the Scriptures, we are coming into agreement with God, and His power is released to answer our prayers.
- We have a need for fixing our church facility. May He provide us $4,500.00 for this need. Please offer your prayers and support.
- You are welcome to join our "Elijah, Elisha," Wednesday evening prayer meeting, 7:15-8:30 at church. May He bless this ministry with your support.
- We have also dedicated 1-2PM and 7-8PM daily as church’s prayer times. Please call 408-774-0700 if you need to pray with us. For you have the burden to become a “prayer warrior” welcome to participate our training for this ministry.
- During this summer, we carry our Friday night fellowship at different brothers and sisters' homes. Let's join to enhance the care and relationship between of our church members.