- 感謝主!上週五晚我們在Teresa家有一次非常喜樂的聚集!大家彼此代禱、祝福,分享了美好的見證!相信每一個參與的人都收穫頗豐。我們暑期的團契會繼續在不同弟兄姐妹的家中進行,讓我們彼此祝福,與神與人都建立一個充滿愛的關係。希望了解詳情的,可以與Angel聯絡。
- 讚美主!週六在Vasona Park的晨禱已經進行了兩周,昨天共有9位弟兄姐妹參加。不僅靈性上得到幫助,也能同時鍛煉身體。求主繼續祝福我們每一天的晨禱!更歡迎弟兄姐妹們快快來參加!
- 我們已經開始了“以利亞以利沙”的晚間禱告會。讚美主!讓我們可以聚集在一起分享主的話語并彼此祝福,我們也在此繼續邀請您來參加週三晚上7:15-8:30 的禱告會。也請大家為此禱告,求主賜智慧以及能力,讓我們更好的推動這項事工。
- 我們已從上週在晨禱外增加了兩個禱告時段,每天的1-2PM 和 7-8PM,弟兄姐妹們若有任何代禱需要,均可打電話到:408-774-0700,將有代禱勇士與您一同禱告。我們也邀請有代禱負擔的肢體在培訓後參與到這項服事當中!
- We had a joyful gathered at Teresa home last Friday night! By praying and sharing with each other, everyone was blessed. We will continue to use this format during this summer, which is going to different church brothers and sisters’ homes for Friday night fellowship. Let us build up a close relationship with love in-between our church members. You may contact with Angel for detail.
- Yesterday was our 2nd Saturday morning prayer at Vasona Park. We had nine people participated. Both our physical bodies as well as our spiritual minds were refreshed. May God bless more brothers and sisters to join!
- "Elijah, Elisha," evening prayer meeting has begun. Please come to pray and share the Word of the Lord. Wednesday evening 7:15-8:30 at church. May the Lord bless us with wisdom to promote this ministry.
- We have added two prayer sessions: 1-2PM and 7-8PM on top of our existing ones. Please call 408-774-0700 if you need to pray with us. If you have the burden to become a “prayer warrior” welcome to participate our training for this ministry.