- 請為Teresa 禱告,求神賜她智慧和能力,來推動教會的福音事工。
- 請為Jenny禱告,求神幫助她推展教會的代禱事工,讓我們的教會成為一個互相代禱,彼此相愛的教會。
- 請為 Deborah代禱,求神幫助她、賜她滿滿的愛,來帶大家一起開展關懷。讓每一個來到教會的人都能感受到從神而來的愛。
- 求主繼續帶領我們學習“禱讀”,用神的話來禱告,讓我們的禱告生活能越來越豐富,越來越喜樂!
- 我們每天的晨禱仍然歡迎大家來參加,特別邀請大家參與週六早晨的走禱。8月週六的晨禱仍會在Vasona Park舉行,歡迎大家積極參與這項既能與神親近、又能鍛煉身體的活動!
Prayer request for the following items.
- Pray for Teresa You for advancing our church evangelism ministry. May God grant her the wisdom and power as needed.
- Pray for Jenny for church intercession prayer ministry, let our church be a love and prayer church.
- Pray for Deborah to be filled with God’s love to handle the care ministry. With her dedication to this ministry, “together we” can carry out the abundant love from God.
- Praying the Scriptures will increase our spiritual growth. We actually learn what God says about certain situations, and by praying His Word we will see His results.
- Other than daily morning prayers at church, you are also welcome to join our special Saturday morning prayer at park. August Saturday morning prayers would be held at Vasona Park. It will certainly benefit us both spiritually and physically.