- 在禱告了很多天之後,陳牧師仍然在為如何在神的話語上裝備弟兄姐妹們禱告。請大家為他禱告,求神賜給他智慧和能力來帶領和裝備大家。
- 甦凱已經在芝加哥安定下來,接下來他會在慕迪神學院接受裝備,請大家為他禱告。也同時請大家在禱告中紀念Anne,目前將會由她來負責協調英文部的事工。
- 我們希望大家能攜起手來,同心為教會的經濟禱告,求神按照祂的信實豐豐富富的供應教會一切所需。我們仰賴神,不住的禱告。
- 不要忘了,有人在為你禱告!如果你有任何事情需要神的祝福,請不要猶豫!聯繫牧師或安琪。教會將為你禱告、祝福。
- 安琪現在要設立一個可供大家討論靈修心得的論壇,她非常需要您的幫助和建議。如果你的任何的建議或有好的點子,請盡快與她聯絡。
- After praying for many days, Pastor Abraham Chen is still praying for divine wisdom how to equip all with the Word of The Lord. Please pray for him.
- Sukai Chen is settling in Chicago to get ready for the training at Moody Bible Institute. Please remember him in prayer. In the meanwhile Anne will coordinate the English Ministry.
- Please join hands to pray in one accord, so The Lord will meet church's financial needs faithfully. In God we trust, so we pray ceaselessly.
- Remember that our church exists to pray for you. If there is anything church can be your blessings, don't hesitate to contact Pastor or Angel.
- Angel is creating Discussion Forum for our people to post daily devotion insights. She needs help! If there is any inputs you could contribute, please contact Angel ASAP.