- 同心以聖潔裝飾我們的聖所:兩三天前,愛我們的主不斷地催促我,要我為祂的聖所(我們的小教堂)整修禱告。既然知道是聖靈催促,我就憑信心放下個人的煩惱,不斷禱告。順服禱告之後,主豐富的供應我們,超過所需費用的一半!原來主早已預備款項要供應我們,但祂郤要我順服禱告,好讓祂能成就大事。哈利路亞!
- 同樣地感謝讚美主!我們昨天的Garage Sale所得款項$460。目前,我們剩下的款項是 $12,540。讓我們繼續同心經營義賣活動。求主按祂的信實供應我們一切需要。
- 讚美主!我們已經有了四個細胞小組。這些小組是:晨星,喜樂,恩典,長青小組。當然,如果您願意開始一個新的小組,我們將會裝備您成為一名小組長。詢問細節請找安琪。
- 我們也再次提醒大家不要忘記我們的幾個禱告時段,我們非常歡迎大家來一同禱告。另外,也再次提醒大家週三、四的早晨和週三的晚間我們都有聖經課程。同樣歡迎您的參加!
- 我們真誠地請您同心合意為教會祈求,因祂榮耀的豐富信實的供應我們。
- 【中文部】願今年的聖誕節前,我們個人都有更新的屬靈生命,同時也有了美麗、聖潔裝飾的小教堂。願我們敬拜讚美的聲音充滿榮耀的聖所。來吧!讓我們共同留下美好、永恆的回憶,在建造神的聖所上有一份。主必報答您的愛心。
- Pastor Abraham Chen was urged by the Holy Spirit to pray fervently for The Lord to pray for financial needs to renovate chapel. He obeyed the urge. Doing his best to lay down all his personal anxieties and worries, he faithfully prayed for two days. After that, what he didn't know was emergent: The Lord had provided some fund for renovation. Yet the provision was divinely pre-arranged to arrive with faithful prayer. Pastor Abraham Chen's testimony encourages all of us to be obedient and faithfully pray with the move of the Spirit.
- Praise The Lord, we got $460 from the garage sale yesterday, the funds we need is $ 12,540 now. Please continue to pray for our charity, may our Lord faithfully provide us.
- Praise The Lord, we have four cell groups now: Morning Star, Joy, Grace, and Evergreen( in the process). We encourage everyone to enjoy participating. And of course, if there is anyone who would like to start a cell group, our church will equip the leader. Ask Angel for the details.
- This is to remind everyone that we dedicate quite a few “prayer hours” for you to enjoy praying with us. We also have Bible classes on Wed & Thur Morning as well as Wed nights. You are encouraged to come to study God’s word.
- We sincerely ask you to pray in one accord for The Lord to faithfully provide us according to glorious riches.