1. 讚美主!我們又有一個小組:“主愛小組”成立了,目的是關懷目前暫時無法參加其他小組的教會肢體。
2. 為了幫助無法根據One Year Bible靈修的弟兄姐妹,我們鼓勵大家可以使用每日靈糧作為靈修的材料,每日靈糧網站 www.odb.org。
3. 各小組情況:晨星小組:感謝主,有兩位“新人”Philip 和 Lucy 加入小組。我們又多了兩顆明亮的晨星。恩典小組:為了方便大家,恩典小組的聚會地點暫時改為在福音站,如果你想經歷更多恩典,歡迎你參加恩典小組!喜樂小組:小組正在練習一首特別的歌曲,相信您會非常期待聽到這首美妙的歌曲。長青小組:看到長青小組的姐妹們享受他們如長青樹一樣的生命是何等喜樂!讓我們一同享受長青的快樂!廣東話組:相信不久我們就可以聽到粵語詩歌了!你一定不想錯過!英文組:如果你想要練習英文,如果你想參與我們的 Mission USA,歡迎你來參加我們的英文小組!
4. 請不要忘記我們的禱告室!我們在這裡邀請您成為教會的守望者,來到禱告室為教會禱告。如果您在周間沒有辦法參與,亦可選擇週六和週日的時間。想要參加這項服事的人,請向安琪詢問。
1. Praise The Lord, we are adding another small group "Lord's Love Group". The main function of the group is to extend care to those who can't join any small groups for the time being.
2. For some people who have hard time to follow One-Year Bible reading plan, we encourage everyone to use Our Daily Devotional to experience God daily. Website: www.odb.org.
3. Updating small groups: Morning Star: Bless Philip and Lucy the new couple and welcome to the group. We have two more bright stars now. Grace: to benefit all people, Grace small group is meeting at EE for the time being. Want to experience more and more grace? come to Grace small group. Joy: Joy group is practicing a special song to share with you. We believe you will look forward to hearing it! Evergreen: what a joy to see Sisters in Evergreen celebrating evergreen life with sisters in Joy. Together we have evergreen joy! Cantonese speaking group: Wow, soon we will hear Cantonese gospel songs again. You don't want to miss it. English speaking group: want to learn English? Come to English speaking group. Want to teach English? Come to English speaking group. Want to be prepared for mission USA, come to English speaking group.
4. Prayer rooms on duty: We need watchmen for our prayer rooms. This is part of the prayer ministry. These rooms are set aside by our Lord for us to pray to Him. Please contact Angel if you have the burden to participate.