- 讓我們每週學習一首詩歌!從本週起,我們鼓勵每一位弟兄姐妹每週至少學會一首詩歌。讓我們可以一同以心靈誠實來敬拜、讚美我們的主!
- 請不要忘記我們的禱告室!我們在這裡邀請您成為教會的守望者,來到禱告室為教會禱告。如果您在周間沒有辦法參與,亦可選擇週六和週日的時間。想要參加這項服事的人,請向安琪詢問。
- 每日靈修(神的話語和亮光):我們在此溫馨提醒大家,每一天帶著偉大的期盼醒來——我們要透過每日的靈修與主同行。讓我們彼此鼓勵,來聆聽主的話,享受神話語的亮光。
- 教會禱告會:我們在這段時間將把週六早上的禱告會預留作為教會各樣事項禱告。在此,我們鼓勵每位弟兄姐妹都來參加,特別是願意更多參與教會服事的肢體。禱告會開始時間為早晨7點,禱告會地點為教會。
- 在此提醒大家,我們奉獻了不少“禱告時段”,讓您享受與我們一同禱告。我們也有在週三和週四早上有聖經課程,我們鼓勵您來學習神的話語。
- We will introduce a new song every Sunday for everyone to worship the Lord with music. You are encouraged to sing praise to our Lord. Sing alone, sing wherever you go. Sing with us together. After you sing enough times, you will remember the lyrics without putting an effort to memorize it.
- Prayer rooms on duty: We need watchmen for our prayer rooms. This is part of the prayer ministry. These rooms are set aside by our Lord for us to pray to Him. Please contact Angel if you have the burden to participate.
- Daily Devotion (Word and Light): as a friendly reminder: to make sure we wake up with greatest expectation -- Walking with God with daily devotion. As brothers and sisters, let us encourage each other to hear the Word and enjoy the Light.
- Church prayer meeting: We use Saturday morning as church prayer meeting for now. We encourage everyone to participate, especially those who participate or want to participate in church services.
- Just want to remind everyone that we have daily prayer meeting, Wednesday & Thursday Bible classes. Please come to get the benefit of knowing God.