- 關懷事工:我們感謝Anne願意幫助推動教會的關懷事工。如果你有任何建議可以聯絡Anne 。
- 今年的耶穌受難日和復活節分別在四月三日和五日。為了紀念主耶穌的受難和慶祝他的復活,我們禱告求神幫助我們打下一個堅實的禱告基石。如果你有任何的建議,可以聯絡安琪。
- 禱告勇士:我們非常需要大家委身為他人代禱。請禱告並考慮加入禱告的隊伍。請向安琪詢問細節。
- EE 代表以利亞和以利沙。我們祈禱年輕人能夠得期盼得著聖經中的應許,只要他們願意每天花一些時間來靈修和彼此代禱。非常感謝Elaine願意來負責協調此項事工!讓我們一同期待身在我們中間成就新事。
- 正如彩虹提醒我們神是守約的神一樣,我們在此鼓勵您到教會彩虹後的禱告室去禱告。讓我們照著神的心意來獻上禱告!祂將信實的垂聽我們的禱告。
- 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
- Caring ministry: We are grateful that Anne is willing to help promote church caring ministry. If you might have any possible inputs, please contact Anne Yuen directly.
- Good Friday, April 3, 2015, and Easter, April 5, Sunday 2015. To remember the Good Friday and celebrate Easter Sunday 2015, we are praying to lay down firmest foundation of prayer ministry. If you might have any possible inputs, please contact Angel directly.
- Prayer warriors: We do need people to commit themselves to intercede for others. Please pray and consider to join the team. Please ask Angel for the details.
- EE stands for Elijah and Elisha ...Forward: looking forward. We pray young people will always have something promised in the Bible that they could look forward, whenever they are willing to spend for daily devotion and intercede for each other. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Elaine for being willing to coordinate the newest project. We all look forward to see God does new things in our midst.
- As Rainbow reminds us that our Heavenly Father keeps promises, we encourage you to enter the prayer rooms hidden behind the rainbow in our prayer garden. Come on, let us offer all kinds of prayers according to His will. He will hear our prayers, and He will reward faithfulness found in you.
- We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.
周間晨禱時間調整:我們週一至週五的晨禱時間將調整為7-8AM 在教會進行。我們邀請您來參加!
Adjustment of morning prayer: 7-8Am Daily at church.