- 感謝主!我們已經在這個美麗的大堂聚會三週了。為了保護我們大堂的整潔,讓大家能更持久的享受這個美好的環境,我們希望大家能主動配合:①聚會中請大家將手機調整到靜音狀態;②詩歌敬拜開始後我們會關上大堂正門,請晚到的弟兄姐妹從側門出入,并保持安靜;③請大家不要將食物和飲料帶進大堂!(如需要飲水,請用帶蓋的瓶子)
- 我們需要大家來支持教會的各項服事,目前有幾項服事開放給大家登記:接送董牧師,預備飯食,飯後清潔,兒童主日學老師。請有心參與的人向安琪詢問服事要求和其他細節!
- 禱告屋和禱告園地:請記得我們的禱告屋和禱告園地在等著您來使用。我們正在調整禱告屋內的房間,以方便您來禱告。歡迎大家使用教會的禱告屋和禱告園地,來尋求神,來享受禱告的生活。去禱告吧!求主讓你經歷祂甜美的同在。
- 從2015年復活節起,讓我們一同達成一個目標:我們將從上午七點到晚上七點,每隔一個小時在教會大堂和禱告屋進行禱告會。不猶豫,不妥協,不放棄!讓禱告園地的每一吋土地都為禱告而用!來禱告吧!
- Praise Lord! We‘ve been gathering in the beautiful chapel for 3 weeks! In order to keep it clean, so that we can enjoy this wonderful place, we hope that we can take the initiative to meet: ①Please turn your phone to silent mode during the Sunday service; ②We will close the main entrance after the worship start, please use the side door if you’re late; ③Please don’t take food and drinks into the chapel! (If you need water, a bottle with a lid)
- We need you to support the church ministry, there are several ministries open to everyone to registration: Pick pastor Dong, preparing meals, cleaning after meals, children Sunday School teacher. Please ask Angel for details!
- Prayer houses and prayer garden: Please remember our prayer house and prayer garden are waiting for you to use. We are adjusting the rooms of prayer house for you. We welcome everyone to use the facility to seek God, and enjoy a life of prayer. Come pray! May you experience His sweet presence.
- Since Easter Sunday 2015, we will reach a goal in one accord: we will have prayer meetings held at church chapel and the House of Prayer every hour, from 7 AM to 7 PM. No hesitation, no compromise, no withdrawal! Every inch of the Prayer garden will be managed for the prayer. God prayer? Come pray!