1. 感謝主,洪長老今天在我們當中,傳講迫切、及時的信息。我們祝福洪長老和師母,因他們願意在這個特別主日來到我們當中。願我們珍惜我們所聽到的信息,與主耶穌一同前行。
2. 感謝主!讓我們見證到主是如何引導甦凱去英國接收裝備。甦凱將於7月14日出發,去學習護教學,我們將會在今天的主日為他祝福。請您也在您的禱告中紀念甦凱。
3. 從這個月開始,我們將著重建立兒童事工:兒童主日學和兒童禱告事工。若您有負擔參與,請與美智或安琪聯絡。
4. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與甦銘或甦凱聯絡。
5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
1. Praise the Lord, Elder Simon is speaking to us the urgent and timely message in our midst today. We bless Elder Simon and his beloved wife for being willing to spend special Sunday with us. May we treasure the Word we hear and March for Jesus together.
2. We are grateful to see how the Lord is leading Sukai to be equipped in the UK. To learn apologetic, Sukai will be leaving on July 14th. We are setting aside today to bless him. Please remember Sukai in your prayer.
3. Start from this month, we are focusing on building children ministry: children Sunday school and prayer ministry for children. Whoever has heavenly burden to participate the children ministry, please contact Meijech or Angel.
4. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Suming or Sukai if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.
2. 感謝主!讓我們見證到主是如何引導甦凱去英國接收裝備。甦凱將於7月14日出發,去學習護教學,我們將會在今天的主日為他祝福。請您也在您的禱告中紀念甦凱。
3. 從這個月開始,我們將著重建立兒童事工:兒童主日學和兒童禱告事工。若您有負擔參與,請與美智或安琪聯絡。
4. EE forward!為了建立有信心的的一代,我們將致力於為下一代人禱告。如果您有負擔參與為下一代代禱,請與甦銘或甦凱聯絡。
5. 請記得我們有“Bible Study Aid”幫助您享受每天的靈修。
6. 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。我們堅定的相信,神會透過我們同心合意的禱告,充充足足的供應教會的各種需要!
1. Praise the Lord, Elder Simon is speaking to us the urgent and timely message in our midst today. We bless Elder Simon and his beloved wife for being willing to spend special Sunday with us. May we treasure the Word we hear and March for Jesus together.
2. We are grateful to see how the Lord is leading Sukai to be equipped in the UK. To learn apologetic, Sukai will be leaving on July 14th. We are setting aside today to bless him. Please remember Sukai in your prayer.
3. Start from this month, we are focusing on building children ministry: children Sunday school and prayer ministry for children. Whoever has heavenly burden to participate the children ministry, please contact Meijech or Angel.
4. EE Forward! To build up a Generation of Faith, we commit ourselves to pray for the next generation. Please contact Suming or Sukai if you might have heavenly burden to pray for next generation.
5. Remember we have Bible Study Aids to help you enjoy having daily devotion each new day.
6. We sincerely ask you to offer fervent prayers for church's financial need. We firmly believe as long as we pray in one accord, the Lord will provide our urgent needs for general fund and building fund. Come on, let us pray in one accord.