- 元宵節聚餐: 2/20 週六,11: 15 am;地點: 教會;活 動:包餃子,元宵;歡迎帶煮餃子的傢伙來,也帶小菜來過佳節;更希望大家邀請親友來同享主內的情誼。聯絡人 : 安琪 (有任何點子,讓您有回家的感覺,或鄉愁情更濃的滋味,都可以建議。我們只有一個目的:藉此佳節,在主裏我們彼此相顧!)
- 近期我們鼓勵大家一同來練習詩歌,熟悉詩歌。我們會在主日後1-2點的時間練習詩歌,包括一些古典詩歌和一些比較現代的詩歌。不論如何,希望我們能掌握、了解詩歌的意義,並熟記這些詩歌。我們相信,在天上的父必喜悅我們同心合意的敬拜。讓我們一同用心靈和誠實來敬拜我們的主!
- 新一年的成人主日學已經開始了,師母會帶領大家根據靈修進度分享,歡迎大家參加!時間是:主日早上9:30-10:30.
- 2016年讀經:感謝主,我們非常歡喜的看到大家投入神的話語。周姊妹,安琪和師母願意幫助更多人來享受一年讀經。如果您想要參與,或是您在讀經上遇到任何困難,請不要猶豫的聯絡他們。讓我們在2016年一同享受神的話語。
- 週三聖經課程:我們在每週三9:30都有聖經課程,地點在福音站:1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129。聯絡人:Anne。
- 我們主日的兒童事工非常的獨特;使用聖經教中文, 有認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等等。歡迎弟兄姊妹把這個好消息告訴有興趣的家庭。
- Chinese Lantern Festival luncheon; Date: 2/20/2016, Saturday;Time: 11: 15 am; Place: church; Activity: make dumplings; welcome to bring the cooking ware; and or side dishes; wish you will also invite friends to come. Together we share friendship in the Lord. Contact persons: Angel (Give us your suggestions that will make people feel at home. Our purpose is to care for each other in the Lord. )
- Recently, we are encouraging everyone to be more familiar with some worship songs: classic hymns and also contemporary worship songs. Let us set a goal together: Whatever songs we are using for worship, we want to understand the meaning of the songs and master them. We believe our Father in Heaven would be very pleasing to hear us sing and worship in one accord. Last, remember, we are worshiping in Spirit and in truth.
- Adult Sunday School: Susan will lead the adult Sunday School every Sunday 9:30-10:30 AM, we welcome you to join.
- Year 2016: The Year for the Bible: We are delighted to see more people devoted to God's Word. Sister Chou, Angel and Susan are willing to help more people enjoy reading the Bible in one year. Feel free to contact them, whether you would like to join a team to help others, or you need assistance to read the Bible in one year. Let us enjoy reading the Bible in Year 2016.
- Bible lessons on Wed, Weekly Bible lessons: Date and time: 9:30 am on Wednesdays; Place: EE (1600 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129); contact person: Anne.
- Our Sunday Children ministry is very unique. The teaching such as Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.