- 夏令時開始:今年的夏令時將于下週日(3/13)開始,請大家注意調整時間。
- 福音站週三的聖經課程時間現調整為每週四9:30-11:30AM,在8:15-9:15AM是禱告會,歡迎大家參加!福音站地址見封底。
- 從下週開始,我們將在週五團契中用一個小時的時間作為教會禱告會,其餘時間我們會分享神的話語,彼此關懷。歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加。團契時間:7:30-9:30,地點:教會。
- 成人主日學:主日9:30-10:20AM;聯絡人:師母。【3/6 馬可福音1-5;3/13 禱告和敬拜讚美。】
- 感謝主!淳如老師在每週五會在教會教授鋼琴/keyboard,歡迎本教會的弟兄姐妹們參加!有任何問題請向美智詢問。
- 詩歌練習:主日後1-2PM,歡迎大家參加!
- 兒童主日學:主日10:30-12:00;內容有聖經,中文認字,遊戲,歌曲,手工等。歡迎小朋友們來參加。
- Daylight saving time: daylight saving time will begin next Sunday, please turn forward your clock.
- Notice of change: the Bible lesson at EE will be changed to Thursday 9:30-11:30 AM. Prayer meeting will be changed to 8:15-9:15AM, Thursday. Welcome to join!
- Church Prayer meeting: We will set aside an exact one hour for praying for church ministries during Friday fellowship, starting this coming Friday. Time: Friday 7:30-9:30PM. Place: to be arranged.
- Converting Adult Sunday School: Starting coming Sunday, we will mainly focus on praising and praying and scripture praying. Time: 9:30am.
- We are grateful that Janelle is willing to offer piano/keyboard lessons at our church. Please feel free to contact Mei-jech, if you might be interested in the music.
- Worship song practice: 1-2 PM Sunday service; We are practicing traditional hymn and contemporary worship songs.
- Children Sunday school: Sunday 10:30-12:00. We have Chinese reading, arts & crafts, games, songs, all have to do with the Bible. Please promote this fun program to your families and friends.