- 每日聖經經文:我們從今天開始將會把每日經文印發給您。我們希望弟兄姐妹們能享受每天的讀經。同時,也讓我們定下一個目標:在一年中讀完聖經一次。
- 敬拜詩歌:我們將逐步的介紹一些帶拼音和英文意思標註的中文詩歌給大家。也希望您可以邀請您講英文的親友一同來享受學習這些中文詩歌。
- 正如大家所知,禱告是我們生活中的重中之重,禱告事工是教會各樣事工的重要一環。讚美主!從2016年4月開始,我們為此付出行動。我們將有新的辦公時間:週一至週五,早晨8-11點;我們計劃用這些時間來開展教會的禱告事工。
- 每日7點的晨禱:歡迎大家到教會或打電話給牧師,Anne。
- 我們在週五團契中用一個小時的時間作為教會禱告會,其餘時間我們會分享神的話語,彼此關懷。歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加。團契時間:7:30-9:30。
- 感謝主!淳如老師在每週五會在教會教授鋼琴/keyboard,歡迎本教會的弟兄姐妹們參加!有任何問題請向美智詢問。
- 詩歌練習:主日後1-2PM,歡迎大家參加!
- Daily Devotion and Daily Bible Verse: Starting from today, we are adding Daily Bible Verses in print for you. We hope you would more enjoy reading the Bible daily. And remember to set a goal: Read through the Bible once in one year.
- Worship songs: Gradually we are introducing some Chinese songs with Pin Yin and English meaning. We encourage you to invite your relatives and friends who are English speaking to enjoy learning Chinese worship songs.
- First Thing First! We all know the fact: Prayer is top priority in our lives; prayer ministry is top ministry in any churches. Praise the Lord, beginning in April, 2016, we will put this conviction into action. We are having new office hours, 8-11 am, Monday - Friday. And, for the time being, we plan to spend most of office hours to develop prayer ministry.
- Daily Morning Prayer at 7 am. Welcome to call church office or Pastor Abraham, or Anne.
- Church Prayer meeting: We will set aside an exact one hour for praying for church ministries during Friday fellowship, starting this coming Friday. Time: Friday 7:30-9:30PM. Place: to be arranged.
- We are grateful that Janelle is willing to offer piano/keyboard lessons at our church. Please feel free to contact Mei-jech, if you might be interested in the music.
- Worship song practice: 1-2 PM Sunday service; We are practicing traditional hymn and contemporary worship songs.