
4/10/2016 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 每日聖經經文:4/10,撒母耳記上15:22;路加福音10:42; 4/11,撒母耳記上17:45,47;路加福音11:13; 4/12,撒母耳記上20:42;路加福音11:34; 4/13,撒母耳記上23:16;路加福音12:31; 4/14,撒母耳記上26:9;路加福音12:48B; 4/15,撒母耳記上28:6;路加福音13:18,19; 4/16,撒母耳記上30:6B;路加福音13:24; 4/17,撒母耳記下2:1;路加福音14:11。
  2. 正如大家所知,禱告是我們生活中的重中之重,禱告事工是教會各樣事工的重要一環。讚美主!從2016年4月開始,我們為此付出行動。我們將有新的辦公時間:週一至週五,早晨8-11點;我們計劃用這些時間來開展教會的禱告事工。
  3. 每日7點的晨禱:歡迎大家到教會或打電話給牧師,Anne。
  4. 我們在週五團契中用一個小時的時間作為教會禱告會,其餘時間我們會分享神的話語,彼此關懷。歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加。團契時間:7:30-9:30。
  5. 感謝主!淳如老師在每週五會在教會教授鋼琴/keyboard,歡迎本教會的弟兄姐妹們參加!有任何問題請向美智詢問。
  6. 詩歌練習:主日後1-2PM,歡迎大家參加!

  1. Daily Bible Verse:4/10, 1 Samuel 15:22; Luke 10:42; 4/11, 1 Samuel 17: 45,47; Luke:11:13; 4/12, 1 Samuel 20:42; Luke 11: 34; 4/13, 1 Samuel 23:16; Luke 12:31; 4/14, 1 Samuel 26:9; Luke 12: 48b; 4/15, 1 Samuel 28:6; Luke 13:18, 19; 4/16, 1 Samuel 30: 6b; Luke 13:24; 4/17, 2 Samuel 2:1; Luke 14:11.
  2. First Thing First! We all know the fact: Prayer is top priority in our lives; prayer ministry is top ministry in any churches. Praise the Lord, beginning in April, 2016, we will put this conviction into action. We are having new office hours, 8-11 am, Monday - Friday. And, for the time being, we plan to spend most of office hours to develop prayer ministry.
  3. Daily Morning Prayer at 7 am. Welcome to call church office or Pastor Abraham, or Anne.
  4. Church Prayer meeting: We will set aside an exact one hour for praying for church ministries during Friday fellowship, starting this coming Friday. Time: Friday 7:30-9:30PM. Place: to be arranged.
  5. We are grateful that Janelle is willing to offer piano/keyboard lessons at our church. Please feel free to contact Mei-jech, if you might be interested in the music.
  6. Worship song practice: 1-2 PM Sunday service; We are practicing traditional hymn and contemporary worship songs.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...