- 感謝信實的主。這是主所作的,在我們眼中看為驚奇。我們信實的主上個主日神跡式的供應了教會的需要。讓我們忠誠,勤勉的讓主知道,我們不忘記我們從何而來。榮耀歸於神
- 讀經樂:為了幫助弟兄姊妹享受靈修讀經,我們計劃利用聚會後的時間與大家商議初步的計劃。
- 彩虹後的禱告室:讓我們同心合意的來建造一個禱告的教會。
- 我們在週五團契中用一個小時的時間作為教會禱告會,其餘時間我們會分享神的話語,彼此關懷。歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加。團契時間:7:30-9:30。
- 感謝主!淳如老師在每週五會在教會教授鋼琴/keyboard,歡迎本教會的弟兄姐妹們參加!有任何問題請向美智詢問。
- The faithfulness of God. It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord miraculously provides us in the time of our needs last Sunday. Let us never forget where we are coming from. Let us faithfully and diligently make Christ know. To God be the glory.
- Let us read the Bible happily. To help brothers and sisters enjoy daily Bible reading, we will gather for the proposal, after Sunday service. (Refreshment provided)
- Prayer rooms behind the rainbow :Let us build a real Prayer Church in one accord.
- Church Prayer meeting: We will set aside exactly one hour for praying for church ministries during Friday fellowship, starting this coming Friday. Time: Friday 7:30-9:30 p.m. Place: to be arranged.
- We are grateful that Janelle is willing to offer piano/keyboard lessons at our church. Please feel free to contact Mei-jech, if you might be interested in the music.