- 這是主所定的日子:我們計劃開始新的主日聚會形式,來做門徒訓練。牧師將會在聚會中為大家解釋詳細情況。
- 感謝主!我們親愛的姐妹春枝為我們打掃乾淨了禱告室。讓我們懷著喜樂和敬畏神的心到禱告室禱告!
- 特别講座:感謝主!我們邀請到李恕信博士將在8月為我們帶來兩場特別的信息。蒙福滿足的一生,8/6週六,10:00AM-3PM,中午有簡餐。主日信息:生命和人生,8/7,10:30AM。
- 我們感謝主讓教會的年輕人能一同聚集練習敬拜的詩歌。我們祈求:他們的信心透過練習和聯繫的結果得到增長,讓更多的人得到激勵。詳情請聯絡金群或安琪。
- 我們鼓勵大家使用聖經參考書:《靈修版聖經》。(http://bible.congfang.com/)
- 我們鼓勵大家每天靈修,並寫下你的靈修筆記,這樣你就可以在成人主日學與弟兄姐妹們分享。
- 我們鼓勵您用午餐團契的時間主動去認識更多的人,結交新朋友。
- 週四早上的禱告會及聖經課:我們將會使用保羅教室作為週四聖經課的教學地點。同時,也歡迎大家在課程開始前到教會禱告園地禱告.
- 1. The time has finally arrived: We are planning to the use new Sunday service format for discipleship training for the time being. Pastor Abraham Chen will explain the details to us during Sunday service.
- We are grateful that our sister 春枝helped us clean our prayer rooms. Let us come and pray with a joyful heart and fear of God.
- Special Seminar: A Life of Blessings; Saturday, August 6th, 10AM-3PM. Sunday Message: Life and Life Journey; Sunday, August 7, 10:30 AM. Speaker: Dr. Esther Lee Bearden.
- We are grateful to see our youth come together to practice worship songs. Bless their souls. We pray that not only will their faith will be strengthened through practice, but also that through the result of practice, more people will be encouraged and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For details, please contact Jane or Angel.
- We encourage everyone to use the Bible reference book: Life Application Bible.
- We encourage everyone to diligently do daily devotions. Write down your notes and be sure to bring your notes to church on Sunday to share with everyone in Adult Sunday School.
- We encourage everyone to use lunchtime to take initiative to make acquaintances with more people and make new friends.
- Thursday Morning Prayer and Bible Lessons: We will use the Mr. Paul classroom for teaching bible lessons on Thursdays.