- 感恩節見證:我們歡迎弟兄姐妹們在感恩節的主日(11/27)與大家分享見證。任何有感動分享的弟兄姐妹,請先通知安琪,並把見證的草稿給她。
- 門徒訓練:任何有感動在主日分享神話語(5分鐘)的人,請與牧師聯絡。
- 為當選總統特朗普禱告:為了祝福我們的國家,讓我們為當選總統禱告。讓我們同心禱告,讓當選總統的特朗普更加基督化,領導我們的國家。
- 海外宣教:這是一個期待已久的目標,海外宣教。這看來可能有些意外,但是準備開展海外宣教的時間終於到了。請加入牧師一同禱告尋求神的帶領吧。
- 約翰福音和羅馬書:我們將從下個月開始使,在團契和禱告會中使用約翰福音和羅馬書。請大家預備好。
- 讓我們喜樂的為主日午餐奉獻。
- 禱告事工:我們看到神已經在禱告園地所做的一切美事,讓我們懷著喜樂的心來投入到禱告事工當中。我們歡迎大家提出建議和意見。我們也歡迎大家積極參與到禱告事工中來!禱告會時間:週四9:30-10:30AM,週五7:30-9:00PM; 週日9:30-10:15AM。
- 我們鼓勵您用午餐團契的時間主動去認識更多的人,結交新朋友。
- Thanksgiving Testimony: All are welcome to give testimonies on Thanksgiving Sunday, 11/27. Before giving your testimony, please notice Angel and send a draft to her.
- Discipleship training: Sharing God’s Word: Whoever has a heavenly burden to briefly (5 min) share the Word of God, please contact Pastor Abraham Chen.
- Praying for President-elect Trump: To bless our nation, let us pray for President-elect Trump. Let us pray in one accord, so that President-elect Trump will become transformed and more Christ-like to lead our nation.
- Overseas Mission: It has been a long-awaited goal: overseas mission. It may seem unexpected to some people, but the time has finally come to prepare to do an overseas mission. Join Pastor Abraham Chen in prayer to seek God's guidance.
- The Gospel of John and the Book of Romans: For next month, we will use the Gospel of John and the Book of Romans for fellowship and prayer. Please be prepared.
- Let us cheerfully support lunch expenses.
- Prayer Ministry: As we have seen God's hands in the Prayer Garden, we are diligently devoting ourselves into prayer ministry. Any input for the ministry is welcome. And by all means, we welcome everyone's participation. Prayer meetings: Thursday Morning 9:30am-10:30am; Friday night 7:30-9pm; Sunday Morning 9:30-10:15am.
- Make friends and show our care: We encourage everyone to use lunchtime to take initiative to make acquaintances with more people and make new friends.