

  1. 為了慶祝中國新年,我們將會在教會舉行特別的禱告會。時間:1/27(週五)7:30PM;地點:教會禱告園地。
  2. 感謝主!碧霞姐妹將在1月8日的主日受洗歸入主的名下,讓我們與她一同慶賀吧!
  3. 新的主日形式:帶著對神同在的熱情,重新聚焦於神可靠的話語。
  4. 門徒訓練:任何有感動在主日分享神話語(5分鐘)的人,請與牧師聯絡。
  5. 愛與禱告事工:讓我們一同為這個事工做準備!我們歡迎任何願意接受裝備在本地和全球來參與這項事工的弟兄姐妹;在教會接受3次90分鐘的培訓(1/3-20,週一至週五上午7-12點,任何時間)。
  6. 海外宣教:這是一個期待已久的目標,海外宣教。這看來可能有些意外,但是準備開展海外宣教的時間終於到了。請加入牧師一同禱告尋求神的帶領吧。
  7. CAMS 家庭日托:讓我們一起來祝福這項事工,求主藉著這項事工把孩子們領導祂的面前。

  1. Church Special event in January 2017-Special prayer meeting to celebrate Chinese New Year 2017: Date/Time, 1/27 (Friday), 7:30 pm; Place, church/ prayer garden.
  2. Baptism: Date: January 8, 2016, Let’s celebrate with 碧霞.
  3. New Format of Sunday Worship Service: with a passion for God’s presence, refocusing on the infallible Word of God.
  4. Discipleship training: Sharing God’s Word: Whoever has a heavenly burden to briefly (5 min) share the Word of God, please contact Pastor Abraham Chen.
  5. Love and prayer ministry -The preparation stage: Who: whoever would like to be trained and participate this ministry locally and globally; How: Three 90-minute lessons (anytime 1/3-20, 7am-12pm, Monday -Friday); Where: church.
  6. Love and Prayer Overseas Mission: It has been a long-awaited goal: overseas mission. It may seem unexpected to some people, but the Lord has opened the door for Taiwan mission. Join Pastor Abraham Chen in prayer to seek God's guidance. 
  7. CAMS Family Day Care ministry: Together we bless the work, so children will be brought to Christ.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...