- 週五兒童聚會,從本週起,我們將在週五團契的同時開展兒童聚會,歡迎大家帶著孩子們來參加。詳情請詢問以琳姐妹。
- 我們正在設計整個教會的設施,讓教會成為一個讓孩子們快樂的學習禱告的地方。 請在您的禱告中紀念這件事。讓我們能把禱告園地和禱告室都能給孩子們使用!
- 郭小莊生命見證會:郭小莊姐妹將在7/30(週日)到我們教會做見證分享,主題是“在愛中相遇”,歡迎大家邀請親友來參加。
- 四種禱告:目前教會在推展四種禱告會,我們在此邀請弟兄姐妹們參加:1)改變自己的禱告會,週五7:30 pm;2) 感謝,讚美主的禱告會,主日9:30-10:15 am;3) 彼此關懷互相祝福的禱告會,主日11:45 am-12:30 pm ;4) 週間晨禱,週一~週五,暫定為第一個時間段:7-8點,第二個時間段:8:30-9:30。
- We are having children activities every Friday night, you are welcome to bring your children to church. Please contact sister Eilin for the details..
- We are designing the entire church facility as a fun place for all children to learn how to pray. Please remember this project in your prayers. Yes, Prayer Garden and House of Prayer will be all set aside for all children!
- Ms. Guo's Testimony: There will be a testimony sharing on 7/30 (Sunday). The theme of her testimony is “Meet in Love”, we encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us in this event.
- Four types of prayer meetings: We are promoting four types of prayer meetings at our church now, we hope you will come and join us: 1) The prayer that change yourself, on Friday 7:30pm; 2) The prayer meeting that focuses on Praising the Lord with thanksgiving offerings, on Sunday 9:30-10:15 am; 3) Sunday caring prayer meeting at 11:45 am; 4) Morning prayer meetings: Monday- Friday First session: 7am- 8am, Second session, 8:30 am- 9:30 am.