- 中秋節中英文聯合聚會--時間:10/1上午10點。1)讓我們禱告Aurick可以彈奏“耶穌愛我”,我們能在他的伴奏下一起歌唱讚美主。2)我們歡迎大家分享見證(需要提前做好安排)。3)詳情請詢問Elaine。
- 讚美主,淑慧可以在安琪產假期間負責教會的行政事務和主日的協調工作。
- 週一到週五晨禱,時間:7-8AM;地點:教會。徵求禱告伙伴!詳情請問Angel或Anne。
- 讚美感謝主!我們開始了英文主日崇拜。英文主日崇拜不僅適合成年人,同時設計得讓六年級以上的兒童和⻘少年都能聽的懂。
- 牧師強力推薦一本好書:"男人的力量"。
- 中文主日服事的弟兄姐妹請在9:50 AM預備好,大家一起禱告。
- Moon Festival English-Chinese Joint Sunday Service -Date: 10/1, 2017; Time: 10 am. Memo: 1) let us pray that Aurick will play "Jesus loves me", and we sing along while he is playing piano. 2) testimonies and sharing are welcome. But they need to be arranged ahead of time. 3) please ask Elaine for the details.
- Praise the Lord, while Angel is taking care the new born baby, ShuHui is willing to temporarily assist some church administrative work and the Sunday service coordination.
- Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel or Anne.
- Praise the Lord, English worship has begun. Our new English Sunday worship is designed in the way that all six graders and above can enjoy attending.
- Pastor strongly recommends the following book to all: "The strength of a man".