- 讚美主,淑慧願意在安琪產假期間負責教會的行政事務和主日的協調工作。
- 讚美主!洪善群長老將在下週(9/17)到我們教會傳講信息。歡迎大家邀請親友到我們當中。
- 週一到週五晨禱,時間:7-8AM;地點:教會。徵求禱告伙伴!詳情請問Angel或Anne。
- 中秋節聚會:10/4(週三)6-8:45PM;地點:教會/禱告園地。聚會内容包括詩歌,分享神的話語,互相代禱,牧師分享本地的事工和海外宣教,禱告園地點燈籠。備註:分享神的話語是根據靈修進度的經文,每個人找出40句經文,以這些經文練習禱讀,在10/4與兄弟姐妹們分享您經歷了哪一句經文,有什麼啟示、得著或是見證。歡迎您的親戚朋友參加聚會。負責人:Elaine。
- 讚美感謝主!我們開始了英文主日崇拜。英文主日崇拜不僅適合成年人,同時設計得讓六年級以上的兒童和⻘少年都能聽的懂。
- 牧師強力推薦一本好書:"男人的力量"。
- 中文主日服事的弟兄姐妹請在9:50 AM預備好,大家一起禱告。
- Praise the Lord, for the time being, while Angel is taking the new born baby, ShuHui is willing to temporarily assist some church administrative work and Sunday service coordination.
- Praise the Lord, Elder Simon, 洪善群長老, will be preaching to us next Sunday, on September 17. Welcome to invite friends and relatives to come worship with us.
- Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel or Anne.
- The Moon Festival Gathering: 10/4 Wednesday, 6pm-8:45pm at church/prayer garden. Content of the event: Singing, sharing the Word of God, praying for each other, sharing our local outreach activities and overseas mission, lighting lanterns. Memo: Everyone is encouraged to meditate on 40 Bible verses and get ready to share your amazing faith journey when we gather on Oct 4th. Welcome to bring your relatives and friends to participate in the gathering. Person in Charge: Elaine.
- Praise the Lord, English worship has begun. Our new English Sunday worship is designed in the way that all six graders and above can enjoy attending.
- Pastor strongly recommends the following book to all: "The strength of a man".