- 為了慶賀感恩節,11/26的主日是聯合聚會。
- 今天的主日聚會結束後,Ambrose 熊國祥弟兄,醫學博士將會分享一些健康知識,講解後有答疑解惑,敬請留步。
- 12/24和12/31適逢聖誕及新年佳節,這兩週將是聯合聚會。歡迎大家邀請親友與我們一同喜樂!
- 2018年的主题是:謙卑,受教,慶豐收。
- 感謝主耶穌,上個禮拜及時供應我們一些財務的需要。我們同心合意的禱告,求主在年底之前供應我們一切的費用。我們相信藉著同心合意禱告,主必供應我們一切所需的。
- To Celebrate Thanksgiving, we have Chinese and English join service today.
- Today, Dr. Ambrose will share with us some of the issues that may cause our health problems. Please stay after Sunday service.
- We will have join services again 12/24 and 12/31 for the week of Christmas and New Year.
- The theme of year 2018: Be humble and teachable, so we celebrate Jesus anytime. Three Key words for Year 2018 (Humble, Teachable, and Celebrating) (HTC)
- Praise the Lord, for providing us enough money last Sunday, to cover some current needs. Please continue praying in one accord. We trust the Lord will faithfully provide everything we needs.