- 為了慶祝感恩節,我們將在下週四(11/23)中午11:30-1:30在教會舉辦感恩節聚會。教會會為大家準備飯食,弟兄姐妹們無需帶食物來。歡迎大家邀請親友來參加!請在週二(11/21)6pm前告訴安琪參加的人數。以便教會準備。
- 感謝主,我們的青年人已經有了2次團契聚會,求主紀念錦雲,Eric和Kevin的付出。我們希望這樣的聚集能逐漸變成定期的聚會,請大家為此禱告,求主成就!
- 感謝主!哲虹(Cindy) 願意負責關懷探訪小組的事工,歡迎弟兄姊妹們支持與參與。
- 為了一同慶賀感恩節,11/26的主日聚會將是聯合聚會。我們同時也歡迎大家邀請親朋來共度感恩節。
- 好消息預告:鋼琴班成果發表會將於今天1:00-2:00 pm在教會舉行,歡迎大家預留時間參加。
- Thanksgiving gathering: Time: 11/23 Thursday, 11:30AM-1:30PM; Place: Church. We will prepare simple foods. Friends and families are welcome, Please let us know how many people will come before 11/21, 6PM.
- Praise the Lord, with the help of Irene, Kevin and Eric, our youth have held two meetings already. Please keep praying for them and bless our next gen fellowship to hold a regular gathering.
- Praise the Lord Cindy is willing to coordinator the caring and visiting ministry. Please participate and be supportive.
- We will have joint service at 11/26 to celebrate Thanksgiving, you are welcome to invite your relatives and friends to join us!
- The piano class students of our church will hold a piano recital at church today 1-2 PM. Please attend and invite your family and friends.