- 未來3-6個月,原本“週四聚會”改為“姐妹禱告會”,由師母負責,以琳、Anne協助聯絡。
- 教會將定期有“姐妹會”,由美華、Shirley 和 Anne負責。
- 未來3-6個月,原本“週五聚會”改為“教會禱告會”,由牧師負責。
- 教會靈修進度有三種:一年讀聖經一遍,男人的力量,每日靈糧短文。
- 從二月起,主日聚會前有守望禱告,鼓勵弟兄姊妹最晚9:45 am 到教會禱告。甚至更早可以到禱告園地禱告。
- We are having woman prayer ministry on Thursday morning, beginning on 1/14/2018. Susan Chen will lead the prayer meeting, and Elin and Anne will be assisting coordination of the ministry.
- Women’s ministry will be established. Mary, Shirley and Anne are willing to coordinate the ministry.
- For three to six months, we are setting aside Friday night as Church prayer meeting.
- There are three kinds of materials we recommend everyone to enjoy daily devotion: Bible in one year, the daily devotion; and Strength of a man.
- We encourage all to participate the Sunday morning prayer meeting , 9:45 pm, latest; praying alone at Prayer Garden prior to church prayer meeting.