- 從4月開始,我們的成人主日學將開始按照《聖經》書卷順序進行學習討論。
- 禱告事工:操練個人靈修禱告生活,時間:每週二、四(為期六週),第一堂 8am-8:45am,第二堂 9am-9:45am;地點:禱告園地。
- 禱告事工「修復 52」,時間: 2/15-4/17。
- 3/23(週五)晚上7:30及 3/25(週日)早上10點,李恕信博士(Dr.Esther)將會來教會與我們分享,主題是:掌握三代之間的溝通技巧與原則,增強自信心的基礎。歡迎大家邀請親友來參加!
- 為了建立美好的靈修生活我們鼓勵弟兄姊妹有靈友,彼此激勵。
- 感謝主,我們正在禱告合適的時間,開始英文部的主日崇拜。
- 我們正在籌備全人平衡健康的健康醫療講座。感謝主,熊醫師願意藉著全人平衡的健康醫療講座,帶領福音朋友認識主。
- Regarding Chinese Sunday school, beginning in April, we will start teaching the Bible book by book.
- Prayer ministry: Personal devotional life. Time: First session (8am-8:45 am); second session (9 am-9:45am).Date: Tuesday and Thursday (For six weeks)Place: Prayer Garden
- Prayer Ministry “Restoration 52” : Feb 15 - April 7.
- Dr. Esther(李恕信) is coming to our church on 3/23(Fri. 7:30pm) and 3/25 (Sun. 10am) to share with us the topic of “Communicating with the Next Generation”. Welcome to invite relatives and friends to participate!
- Praise the Lord, we are praying for the right time to start English Sunday service.
- Thanks to Dr. Ambrose Hung who will give us health seminars at our church about how to make our whole body balance. Dates and time will be announced as they are available.