- 請繼續為我們親愛的弟兄Jonathan禱告。願主報答你們為他名所顯的愛心。(希伯來書6:10 ) 。
- 明年一月中旬我們將開始"平信徒的講道"課程( 預計將於2014年1月22日開始)。我們鼓勵大家參加這個培訓。我們正在考慮將課程安排在週三的早晨或晚上,每期課程將持續11週,參與培訓的弟兄姐妹將系統的學習如何分享聖經的信息。我們的目標是,在11週的課程後能進行7分鐘的分享。希望經過一些列的培訓後,學員最終可以講道。為了保證聖經課程有最好的質量,參加的弟兄姐妹需要出席每次課程并完成功課。對於無法完整參加課程的,課參加下一期課程。若有任何建議,請聯繫Angel。
- 特別注意,每日靈修生活!為了造就“聖徒”,我們鼓勵弟兄姐妹們每天多花一些時間與主親近,讓我們的生命能見證神的話語。
- 早禱。為主在我們中間復興讚美祂!讓我們一同來禱告吧!求神在我們當中彰顯祂的榮耀。
- 讚美主,我們正在重建“教會的牆壁”和教會門口的標誌。如果主感動你參加,我們歡迎你加入。
- 請大家我教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
- Let us keep on praying for His healing upon our beloved brother Jonathan Jou. May the Lord reward all who are showing their Christian love toward him (Heb. 6:10).
- Starting from Mid-January, 2014, we will begin a lay people “preaching” course (January 22, 2014, tentatively). It is a demanding course, however, we encourage everyone consider to take it. For the time being we offer this class either on Wed morning or Wed evening. It is a 11 week course. Participant will be trained how to study the Bible and share biblical message logically. Our goal is after 11 weeks, every trainee will be able to share 7 minutes biblical message. Eventually he/she will be able to preach a sermon after more training. In order to have a high quality Bible class, we only accept student who can commit himself/herself to attend the full course and do assignments. If you cannot make the commitment this time, we encourage you to join the next course. Please contact Angel if you can give us your precious input.
- A.D.D. Attention, Daily Devotion for godly life! In order to equip “the saints” to be able to proclaim the message of God in the public, we encourage our brothers and sisters to spend time with the Lord every day. Make sure we are living a godly life to be the witness of the Word of God.
- Morning Prayer! Praise the Lord for His revival among us. We are praying every morning now! Let us pray more. We will see Fountain of Joy Prayer Church, God’s church to be built up for His glory.
- Praise the Lord, we are rebuilding our “church wall” and fixing the church sign. May the Lord touch your heart to join with us to finish this project.
- We need your prayers for church financial need. May the Lord provide all our needs according to His glorious riches.