- 讚美主! Steve弟兄和 Kirk弟兄在家人的祝福下願意擔任教會的理事同工。願主紀念他們的信實,親自報答他們願意為教會付出的愛并賜福于我們教會!
- 感謝弟兄姐妹們對教會 Garage Sale 的支持,您可在今天主日後取回沒有售出的物品。沒有人拿走的剩餘物品我們將會捐贈給 Good Will。
- 爲了準備晚間禱告的開始,我們週三晚上在福音站有聖經學習,歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加。若您對課程感興趣,請與淑慧聯繫。
- 讚美主!教会的晨禱在質量和數量上都在增長。想體驗主如何在一群禱告勇士中間嗎?請安排你的時間來經歷神的同在和祷告的大能。联络人 Angela.
- 讚美主!我們在週三,週四上午的查經和探訪一直在進行中,有任何弟兄姐妹想參與的,請與 Shirley 聯絡。
- 讚美主!我們英文部的事工也在增長中!若您有任何建議,歡迎與相關的負責人聯絡,青少年請聯絡甦凱,兒童請聯絡 Angel。也請大家在禱告中紀念我們的事工!
- Praise 8e Lord, brothers Steve and Kirk are willing to serve as board of directors, with full endorsement of their families. May 8e Lord reward their faithfulness and sacrifcial love toward our precious Lord and our church.
- Thank you for the donation towards last week's garage sale. If you want to take back your unsold stuffs, please do so this Sunday or we will have them all donated to Good Will.
- To prepare potential evening prayer daily, we will have Wed night Bible study at E E. Ask Shu Hui for the details, if you are interested.
- Morning prayer is growing both in quality and quantity. Want to experience the Lord is in the midst of a group of prayer warriors? Please make your effort to come and have the 1st hand experience. Contact: Angela
- Praise the Lord, we have constant week day Bible study and visitation. For those who would like to join Morning Bible Study on Wednesday or Visitation on Sursday, please contact Shirley.
- Praise the Lord! Our English ministry is growing. Your ideas and inputs for them are welcome. Please contact Sukai for youth and young adult group