

  1. 感謝主!Felix弟兄已於昨天受洗歸入主的名下。也請大家為他禱告,他這段時間在醫院照顧 Jonathan 弟兄,求主賜他足夠的靈力,體力。
  2. 請大家迫切為 Jonathan Jou 弟兄禱告!
  3. 教會將會開始777門徒訓練,請大家為此事代禱。
  4. 歡迎大家參加教會每天早晨7點的晨禱,聯繫人Angela。週三晚上在福音站的聖經課程也非常歡迎弟兄姐妹們的參與,聯繫人淑慧。
  5. 讚美主!我們在週三,週四上午的查經和探訪一直在進行中,有任何弟兄姐妹想參與的,請與Shirley聯絡。
  6. 讚美主!我們英文部的事工也在增長中!若您有任何建議,歡迎與相關的負責人聯絡,青少年請聯絡甦凱,兒童請聯絡Angel。也請大家在禱告中紀念我們的事工!
  1. Praise the Lord!Brother Felix baptized yesterday. Let’s prayer for him, may Lord give him strength when he is taking care Jonathan is the hospital and lead him in the future.
  2. Please pray for brother Jonathan Jou!
  3. 777 discipleship training program (Timothy project series one) will start, let’s pray for this program. 
  4. We encourage our brothers and sisters join the morning prayer 7AM, contact person Angela. The Bible lesson on every Wednesday 7:30PM also welcome you, contact person Shuhui.
  5. Praise the Lord, we have constant week day Bible study and visitation. For those who would like to join Morning Bible Study on Wednesday or Visitation on Thursday, please contact Shirley.
  6. Praise the Lord! Our English ministry is growing. Your ideas and inputs for them are welcome. Please contact Sukai for youth and young adult group; contact Angel for childrengroup. And please remember theministry in your prayer.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...