- 我們邀請弟兄姐妹在今天主日崇拜後,帶上便當去探訪Jonathan Jou, 預計會在1:15回到教會。我們歡迎任何一位肢體加入我們!
- 我們將在12月22日有一個特別的主日,在這天我們將把英文事工和以利亞和以利沙門訓奉獻給神。也請弟兄姐妹在禱告中紀念我們的事工。
- 感謝主,讓我們見證了祂是如何帶領我們建立晨禱事工的!讓我們不住的禱告,享受主的帶領。如鷹展翅上騰。我們歡迎弟兄姐妹們參與到晨禱中來,一同經歷神的作為!
- 讚美主,我們正在重建“教會的牆壁”和教會門口的標誌。如果主感動你參加,我們歡迎你加入。
- 請大家我教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
- Right after Sunday service, some people will take lunch boxes with them and visit Jonathan in Milpitas. We are planning to come back to church at 1:15pm. Whoever would like to join, welcome!!
- Dec 22, is the date we dedicate English congregation and Elijah and Elisha to The Lord. Please remember the ministries in your prayer.
- It is The Lord's doing when we witness how The Lord is bringing people to build morning prayer ministries. Keep on praying and let us enjoy the lord's leading and soar like an eagle. We will see Fountain of Joy Prayer Church, God’s church to be built up for His glory.
- Praise the Lord, we are rebuilding our “church wall” and fixing the church sign. May the Lord touch your heart to join with us to finish this project.
- We need your prayers for church financial need. May the Lord provide all our needs according to His glorious riches.