- 以利亞以利沙講道事工:2014年訓練平信徒講道課程。日期:2014年1月8日 到2014年4月9日的週三(3月5日和12日無課程)。上課時間:A組,上午9:30 ,聯絡人: Shirley; B組,下午7:00,聯絡人:淑慧;地點:福音站。
- 以利亞以利沙禱告事工:讚美主!現在我們每天早晨早上7點在教會聚集禱告,求主按照祂的計劃,讓我們可以延伸禱告事工,擴展神的國度。讓我們一起祈禱,尋求主的引導!
- 禱告屋:為了更好地促進以利亞以利沙禱告事工,我們正在將教室轉換為禱告室。歡迎使從今天開始使用它們!
- 每日靈修:請準備好從2014年開始,建立最佳的每日靈修習慣。除了“靈命日糧”,我們將推動基於Life Journal的每日靈修經文。這些經文將通過電子郵件發送給您。
- Preaching at Elijah and Elisha Ministry:2014 expository preaching lessons for lay people. Date: January 8, 2014-April 9, 2014 (No lessons on March5 and 12); Time: 9:30 am for group A (Shirley); 7:00 pm for group B (Shu-Hui); Place: Elijah and Elisha office.
- Prayer at Elijah and Elisha Ministry: Praise The Lord! As a church, we are praying every morning at 7 am, we are praying for God's timing to know when to extend our prayer ministry, so we can expand the kingdom of God. Together we pray for the Lord's leading; Place: FOJPC chapel.
- House of Prayer: To better facilitate the Elijah and Elisha prayer ministry, we are converting classrooms into prayer rooms. Welcome to use them starting today.
- Daily Devotion: Get yourself ready to establish the best daily devotion habits beginning the new year 2014. Beside "Our Daily Bread", we will promote daily devotion based on Life Journal. PPT will be sent to you via email.