

  1. 2014 年的第一件事:歡迎任何一位想要在一年中讀完一次聖經的弟兄姐妹來向師母和甦凱登記:讀中文聖經的可以和師母登記,英文聖經向甦凱登記。
  2. 從2014年的第一天開始,我們將在晨禱中實踐用聖經上的話語禱讀,師母將帶領中文部的禱告,牧師將帶領英文部的禱告。
  3. 任何有負擔到我們的禱告屋禱告的弟兄姐妹都可以向Angela來登記你禱告的時間。愿神祝福你。
  4. 請大家我教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
  1. First thing first for the new year YEAR 2014: whoever would like to read the Bible in one year, register with Susan if you choose Chinese-edition Bible; register with Sukai, for English-edition Bible.
  2. Beginning the first day of year 2014, we will practice scripture prayer for the half time of morning prayer. Susan will lead Chinese speaking prayer, while Pastor Abraham will lead English speaking prayer.
  3. Whoever has heavenly burdens to come to house of prayer to pray, contact Angela to sign up your time slot. Bless your heart.
  4. Pray for The Lord to provide our need. He will, if we pray faithfully in one accord. Amen and amen!


  1. 以利亞以利沙講道事工:2014年訓練平信徒講道課程。日期:2014年1月8日 到2014年4月9日的週三(3月5日和12日無課程)。上課時間:A組,上午9:30 ,聯絡人: Shirley; B組,下午7:00,聯絡人:淑慧;地點:福音站。
  2. 以利亞以利沙禱告事工:讚美主!現在我們每天早晨早上7點在教會聚集禱告,求主按照祂的計劃,讓我們可以延伸禱告事工,擴展神的國度。讓我們一起祈禱,尋求主的引導!
  3. 禱告屋:為了更好地促進以利亞以利沙禱告事工,我們正在將教室轉換為禱告室。歡迎使從今天開始使用它們!
  4. 每日靈修:請準備好從2014年開始,建立最佳的每日靈修習慣。除了“靈命日糧”,我們將推動基於Life Journal的每日靈修經文。這些經文將通過電子郵件發送給您。
  1. Preaching at Elijah and Elisha Ministry:2014 expository preaching lessons for lay people. Date: January 8, 2014-April 9, 2014 (No lessons on March5 and 12); Time: 9:30 am for group A (Shirley); 7:00 pm for group B (Shu-Hui); Place: Elijah and Elisha office.
  2. Prayer at Elijah and Elisha Ministry: Praise The Lord! As a church, we are praying every morning at 7 am, we are praying for God's timing to know when to extend our prayer ministry, so we can expand the kingdom of God. Together we pray for the Lord's leading; Place: FOJPC chapel.
  3. House of Prayer: To better facilitate the Elijah and Elisha prayer ministry, we are converting classrooms into prayer rooms. Welcome to use them starting today.
  4. Daily Devotion: Get yourself ready to establish the best daily devotion habits beginning the new year 2014. Beside "Our Daily Bread", we will promote daily devotion based on Life Journal. PPT will be sent to you via email.


  1. 我們邀請弟兄姐妹在今天主日崇拜後,帶上便當去探訪Jonathan Jou, 預計會在1:15回到教會。我們歡迎任何一位肢體加入我們!
  2. 我們將在12月22日有一個特別的主日,在這天我們將把英文事工和以利亞和以利沙門訓奉獻給神。也請弟兄姐妹在禱告中紀念我們的事工。
  3. 感謝主,讓我們見證了祂是如何帶領我們建立晨禱事工的!讓我們不住的禱告,享受主的帶領。如鷹展翅上騰。我們歡迎弟兄姐妹們參與到晨禱中來,一同經歷神的作為!
  4. 讚美主,我們正在重建“教會的牆壁”和教會門口的標誌。如果主感動你參加,我們歡迎你加入。
  5. 請大家我教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
  1. Right after Sunday service, some people will take lunch boxes with them and visit Jonathan in Milpitas. We are planning to come back to church at 1:15pm. Whoever would like to join, welcome!!
  2. Dec 22, is the date we dedicate English congregation and Elijah and Elisha to The Lord. Please remember the ministries in your prayer.
  3. It is The Lord's doing when we witness how The Lord is bringing people to build morning prayer ministries. Keep on praying and let us enjoy the lord's leading and soar like an eagle. We will see Fountain of Joy Prayer Church, God’s church to be built up for His glory.
  4. Praise the Lord, we are rebuilding our “church wall” and fixing the church sign. May the Lord touch your heart to join with us to finish this project.
  5. We need your prayers for church financial need. May the Lord provide all our needs according to His glorious riches.



  1. 感謝主!我們有Bethany在英文部傳遞主的訊息,讓我們誠摯的歡迎他。
  2. 我們將在12月22日舉行一個特別的聯合聚會,這個聚會中我們特別的聚焦在“下一代”的事工。Ed 牧師將會與我們分享神的道。請為這個特別的主日來禱告,也非常歡迎大家邀請朋友和親人來與我們一同聚集。
  3. 神的話語---聖靈的寶劍:我們編輯了一些PPT幫助大家享受每日的靈修。請大家在享受每天靈修的同時也嘗試“禱讀”,用神的話語來禱告。
  4. 聖誕樹已經被安置在教會的大堂。你聞到它馨香的氣味了嗎?請大家不要忘記,耶穌基督才是這個節日的原因。也請大家記得不論在何處,我們都要散發出耶穌基督的馨香之氣!一點也不亞於聖誕樹!
  5. 早禱。為主在我們中間復興讚美祂!讓我們一同來禱告吧!求神在我們當中彰顯祂的榮耀。
  6. 讚美主,我們正在重建“教會的牆壁”和教會門口的標誌。如果主感動你參加,我們歡迎你加入。
  7. 請大家我教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
  1. We sincerely welcome Bethany to share message with English speaking congregation.
  2. We will have special joint service on December 22, 2013. Pastor Ed will be preaching to us. We will set aside the special Sunday to dedicate our mission for next generation. Make sure to remember to pray for the special Sunday and invite all your friends and relatives to come.
  3. The Word of of God---the sword of the Spirit:
  4. We are creating ppt to help everyone enjoy daily devotion. Please enjoy it each new day. And remember to practice Scripture praying.
  5. Christmas tree has been set aside. Have you smelled it ? It does smell so great! Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. And remember this, wherever you are, you will be the aroma of Christ! Not less than that of Christmas tree.
  6. Morning Prayer! Praise the Lord for His revival among us. We are praying every morning now! Let us pray more. We will see Fountain of Joy Prayer Church, God’s church to be built up for His glory.
  7. Praise the Lord, we are rebuilding our “church wall” and *xing the church sign. May the Lord touch your heart to join with us to finish this project.
  8. We need your prayers for church financial need. May the Lord provide all our needs according to His glorious riches.



  1. 我們在此溫馨提醒大家,在感恩節和聖誕節期間小心駕駛!也請大家相互代禱,求神保守我們出也蒙福,入也蒙福!
  2. 爲了幫助大家享受每日的靈修,我們將使用PPT幫助大家,如果你不想收到這樣的郵件,請告知安琪。
  3. 請繼續為我們親愛的弟兄Jonathan禱告。願主報答你們為他名所顯的愛心。(希伯來書6:10 ) 。
  4. 請繼續為我們的“777門徒訓練課程”禱告,并準備好在基督里一同成長!若有任何建議,請聯繫Angel。
  5. 早禱。為主在我們中間復興讚美祂!讓我們一同來禱告吧!求神在我們當中彰顯祂的榮耀。
  6. 讚美主,我們正在重建“教會的牆壁”和教會門口的標誌。如果主感動你參加,我們歡迎你加入。
  7. 請大家我教會的財務需求禱告。願耶和華照他榮耀的豐富,供應我們所有的需求。
  1. We warmly remind everyone to drive carefully during Christmas and New year holiday season! Safety first.
  2. We are in the process of creating PPT files for helping our church members to enjoy daily devotion. Please let Angel know if you don't want to receive these files.
  3. Let us keep on praying for God's healing upon our beloved brother Jonathan Jou. May the Lord reward all who are showing their Christian love toward him (Heb. 6:10).
  4. Please pray for our “777 discipleship training program” . Be ready for your personal growth in Christ. Please give your precious input to Angel
  5. Morning Prayer! Praise the Lord for His revival among us. We are praying every morning now! Let us pray more. We will see Fountain of Joy Prayer Church, God’s church to be built up for His glory.
  6. Praise the Lord, we are rebuilding our “church wall” and *xing the church sign. May the Lord touch your heart to join with us to finish this project.
  7. We need your prayers for church financial need. May the Lord provide all our needs according to His glorious riches.


1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...