1. 從下週起,我們的主日程序為:中文部:9:30-10:00 禱告;10:00-11:15 主日敬拜和證道,包括奉獻和歡迎新人,以及分享(有任何人想要分享經文或獻唱的,請事先聯繫Jenny)。11:20-12:00成人主日學。英文部:9:30-10:00,禱告;10:00-10:40主日學;10:45-12:00,主日敬拜及證道。負責人甦凱。
2. 緊急需要 !我們正在招募願意奉獻時間全職服事的弟兄姐妹:①憑信心義務為主當兵三個月。教會管理和推動事工,極有組織及聯繫人、事物的負責人。②熱愛人的靈魂得救,願意傳福音并推動全教會傳福音給各個年齡層,又極有組織及聯繫人、事、物的負責人。從七月一日開始。
3. 我們將以四週的時間完成原本的“禱告學校”課程。新一輪的主日學課程將從七月開始(7/6),我們將用九週的時間教導“基要真理”,裝備弟兄姐妹傳福音和一領一。
4. 為了配合神給教會這階段的主題“敬畏神話語”,我們鼓勵大吉彼此幫助,養成每日靈修的習慣,同時開始在團契當中操練分享神的話語。
- Starting from next week, our Sunday programs are: Chinese Ministry: 9:30-10:00 Prayer; 10:00-11:15 Worship and preaching (including offering, welcome Newcomers and sharing, anyone who wants to do any kind of sharing during this time has to contact Jenny ahead of time); 11:20-12:00 Adult Sunday School. English Ministry: 9:30-10:00 Prayer; 10:00-10:40 Sunday School; 10:45 -12:00 Sunday worship and sermon. Sukai in charge.
- Urgent need! We are looking for volunteers as our full-time church ministry march for Jesus for three month with faith. ①Experience at church management, promote each church ministry. Extremely organized, be the main contact person for church. ②Have passion for the salvation of people and willing to promote the whole church to preach gospel to different age group. Position starts July 1, 2014.
- We will use four weeks to complete the original " prayer school " course. A new Sunday School curriculum will begin in July (7/6), we will use nine weeks to teach the "essential truth" (Chinese ministry only.)
- Church theme at this stage:"Fear the Word of God", to reach the goal, we suggest everyone encourage each other to develop the habit of daily devotions, and start to share God’s Word with each other.