- 在2014年接下來的一段時間中,讓我們一同學習實踐一個新的主題:敬畏神話語。
- 為了配合“敬畏神話語”的主題,我們將從6月15日的主日開始對我們主日聚會的時間做一些新的調整,請大家在週日將您的2個半小時分別為圣,來享受耶穌基督裡豐盛的生命。
- 新的聚會時間如下:中文部:9:30-10:00,禱告;10:00-11:15主日敬拜和證道,包括奉獻和歡迎新人,以及分享,有任何人想要分享經文或獻唱的,請事先聯繫Jenny。11:20-12:00成人主日學。英文部:9:30-10:00,禱告;10:00-10:40 主日學;10:45-12:00主日敬拜及證道。負責人甦凱。
- 讚美主!我們正在努力讓更多人可以參與到每天7點開始的晨禱中來,希望透過每天的晨禱,我們可以幫助大家建立一個良好的靈修習慣。我們歡迎任何弟兄姐妹加入!詳情請詢問Angel。
- 任何想要加入連鎖禱告的弟兄姐妹請直接聯絡牧師,這段時間將由牧師直接負責“連鎖禱告”事工。連鎖禱告的時間段為早上7點到晚上7點。
- 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。祂將成就我們同心合意所求的!
- The theme of the remaining year, Year 2014: Fearing the Word of God!
- WHOLE PACKAGE OF SUNDAY SERVICE!To live up to the theme of the church for the remaining year, we are designing a whole package of Sunday service starting 9:30am. We encourage everyone to set aside 2.5 hours every Sunday morning to be prepared to enjoy abundant life in Christ Jesus.
- New Sunday service schedule will begin at 6/15: Chinese group: 9:30-10:00 Prayer meeting; 10:00-11:15 Worship & Sermon; 11:20-12:00 Sunday school. English Group: 9:30-10:00 Prayer meeting; 10:00-10:40 Sunday school; 10:45-12:00 Worship & Sermon.
- Praise The Lord, we are making Morning Prayer beginning at 7am more available to everyone. The only reason is that we really would like to encourage our people to establish a very good devotion habit. Welcome to take the advantage. Ask Angel for the details.
- For those we are interested involving in Prayer Chain, contact Pastor Abraham Chen directly, for the time being. Prayer Chain runs from 7am to 7pm.
- Don't forget to pray for God to provide our financial needs. He will, if we pray in one accord. Amen.